Conservative Journalist Rescues Puppy Left Behind by Illegal Immigrants at the Southern Border | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Conservative Journalist Rescues Puppy Left Behind by Illegal Immigrants at the Southern Border

A right-leaning journalist named Julio Rosas is covering the southern border crisis for Townhall. Rosas is doing an excellent job of covering the issue first-hand and in-person, on the scene. If you have watched videos of waves of people crossing the border on Twitter, there’s a decent chance that the video came from Rosas.

He recently filed this report:

Last week, Julio Rosas was covering a site that had been abandoned by a group of illegal immigrants at the border and he discovered that they had left a small puppy behind. He decided to rescue the puppy and take it home with him.

This is a beautiful story for Christmas.

Her name is Bella now and she looks great!

If you have the means to do so, rescuing a dog can enrich your life in ways you couldn’t imagine. Congratulations to Mr. Rosas for taking in this innocent dog and making a new friend for life.

