Conservatives back Heritage’s 2025 government-in-waiting plan

Conservatives back Heritage’s 2025 government-in-waiting plan

October 09, 2023 03:47 PM

In a sign of the respect they have for the Heritage Foundation, a virtual who’s who of conservative groups have partnered on the think tank’s efforts to create a government in waiting for the next Republican president to adopt and speedily replace President Joe Biden’s worst policies with right-of-center alternatives.

Heritage tomorrow will announce its list of coalition partners, 75 groups that lead in their conservative lanes, from abortion to immigration and national security, to build a turnkey operation that the 2024 GOP nominee can adopt in the case of an election victory.


The groups joining the advisory board include many associated with former President Donald Trump and others that have long been Washington establishments, such as the Center for Immigration Studies, the Family Research Council, and FreedomWorks.

The endorsements are a key victory for Heritage and a rare sign of conservative unity in rallying around one vision for the next administration.

Heritage calls the effort Project 2025, and it includes blueprints for every federal agency, even staff suggestions and policy papers.

Paul Dans, who directs the project, said, “From the moment Heritage announced this initiative 18 months ago, we recognized the importance of bringing together conservative allies with a common goal: to take back our country from the radical left by developing a robust governing agenda and the right people to implement it. We’re grateful to have the support of 75 organizations so we can be ready on day one of the next conservative administration.”

Dans previously told Secrets that he hopes to have the project completed for the 2024 Republican National Convention so that it can be delivered to the nominee to run on.

“Hopefully, this crystallizes in a real turnkey deliverable for the next president-elect where they can really import wholesale a lot of the ideas and work that’s been done,” Dans told Secrets.

Heritage has a record of preparing presidential agendas dating back to one President Ronald Reagan used to reverse the crisis he inherited from Jimmy Carter. Many Republicans said that the Republican winner in next year’s elections will be handed a similar crisis.


In advance of its announcement, Heritage provided Secrets with the names of the 75 organizations on its advisory board. They are:

  • Alabama Policy Institute
  • Alliance Defending Freedom
  • America First Legal
  • American Accountability Foundation
  • American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • ACLJ Action
  • American Compass
  • American Cornerstone Institute
  • American Council of Trustees and Alumni
  • American Family Association
  • American Family Project
  • American Legislative Exchange Council
  • American Juris Link
  • AMAC Action
  • American Moment
  • American Principles Project
  • California Family Council
  • Center for Equal Opportunity
  • Center for Family and Human Rights
  • Center for Immigration Studies
  • Center for Renewing America
  • Claremont Institute
  • Coalition for a Prosperous America
  • Competitive Enterprise Institute
  • Concerned Women for America
  • Conservative Partnership Institute
  • Defense of Freedom Institute
  • Ethics and Public Policy Center
  • Family Policy Alliance
  • Family Research Council
  • Feds for Medical Freedom
  • First Liberty Institute
  • Forge Leadership Network
  • Foundation for American Innovation
  • Foundation for Defense of Democracies
  • Foundation for Government Accountability
  • Frederick Douglass Foundation
  • FreedomWorks
  • Heartland Institute
  • Heritage Foundation
  • Hillsdale College
  • Honest Elections Project
  • Independent Women’s Forum
  • Institute for Education Reform
  • Institute for Energy Research
  • Institute for the American Worker
  • Institute for Women’s Health
  • Intercollegiate Studies Institute
  • James Madison Institute
  • Job Creators Network
  • Keystone Policy
  • Liberty University
  • Media Research Center
  • Mississippi Center for Public Policy
  • Moms for Liberty
  • National Association of Scholars
  • National Center for Public Policy Research
  • Noah Webster Educational Foundation
  • Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
  • Pacific Research Institute
  • Patrick Henry College
  • Personnel Policy Operations
  • Project 21 Black Leadership Network
  • Public Interest Legal Foundation
  • Recovery for America Now Foundation
  • Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
  • Tea Party Patriots
  • Teneo Network
  • Texas Public Policy Foundation
  • The American Conservative
  • The American Main Street Initiative
  • The Leadership Institute
  • Turning Point USA
  • Young America’s Foundation
  • 1792 Exchange