CPAC endorses Trump, ‘time to unite’

The influential Conservative Political Action Conference endorsed former President Donald Trump’s 2024 candidacy on Thursday, claiming he is the only Republican who can beat President Joe Biden and reverse the Democrat’s liberal policies.

“Now is the time to unite and support the candidate who best can accomplish what is needed to put America back on track. CPAC enthusiastically endorses Donald J. Trump for president of the United States,” CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp said in a statement for Secrets.

The endorsement came in advance of next Monday’s Iowa caucuses and the following primaries and could affect the results. The group is well known for its influence in Washington and boot camps for conservative youth advocates.

Trump has been a regular feature of the annual CPACs and has won all recent straw polls held by the group.

Schlapp said CPAC and the Trump campaign have worked to challenge “woke” policies in schools, the military, and corporate America. And they have also joined in calls to bolster the economy and strengthen the border.

“The extreme leftist Marxists have infiltrated our colleges, universities, elementary schools, the military, in fact, all of our sacred institutions. As conditions at the border, the economy, and culture dramatically worsen every day, one person has again clearly won the hearts and minds of conservatives for his tireless commitment to make America great again,” he said in his statement.

While the group has also been friendly with other top-tier Republican presidential candidates, Schlapp said he sees Trump as the best to challenge Biden and his supporters.


“Voters have heard from all the candidates on their policies to save America at this most urgent time in history,” he said in a reference to the elections.

“President Trump will win. He will be the 47th president, and the best for America is yet to come,” he added.
