DC Gov Holds Off Disposing Of Late-Term Aborted Babies’ Bodies, Lawyers Say

The American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) announced Friday that the Washington, D.C. government had agreed to not cremate the bodies of five late-term babies who may have been left to die after a potential failed abortion.

Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), a pro-life advocacy organization, raised the alarm Monday that the Department of Justice (DOJ) had approved the disposal of the bodies of the infants by the end of the week, barring an intervention from Congress. Republican elected officials demanded Thursday that the bodies be preserved for further investigation, and the ACLJ said that the city’s government was “standing down,” according to a press release. (RELATED: Pro-Life Activists Face 11 Years In Prison After Jury Hands Down Guilty Verdict)

“We have just received assurances that the D.C. government is standing down from today’s cremation. What this means is that we were successful in preventing the Biden DOJ and D.C. from destroying the evidence of potential crimes and from simultaneously blocking the honoring of these young lives with a proper burial,” the press release reads. “The D.C. government also indicated to us that they will respond to Congress’ demands. We continue to hope that D.C. will in fact conduct a formal investigation into these babies’ deaths.”

🚨🚨🚨UPDATE on the DC 5:

This is a welcome development. We are so grateful for the work of @ACLJ, @PAAUNOW & everyone in the pro-life movement to prevent this evidence from being destroyed so that justice can be sought these children.

Their lives mattered. The fight continues pic.twitter.com/tf4AVWWWWI

— Rep. Chip Roy Press Office (@RepChipRoy) February 9, 2024

Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas sent letters demanding that Congress be allowed to look into the circumstances regarding the infants’ death and whether it was a violation of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, which prohibits a doctor from performing a partial abortion and then killing “the partially delivered living fetus.”

Rodney Adams, general counsel for the medical examiner, told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Tuesday that the “Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has had no communication with the US Department of Justice on the matter,” but did not further clarify whether or not the bodies were set to be cremated.

In March 2022, PAAU found the bodies of 115 aborted babies in toxic waste containers from the Washington Surgi-Center in Washington, D.C. Five of them appeared to have been late-term, and PAAU claimed that the bodies showed signs of having been alive after a failed abortion attempt.

The organization later turned the bodies over to the D.C. police, and the department said that they were looking into the matter but have given few updates since.

The medical examiner’s office and the D.C. police department did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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