Defense Attorneys Sound Alarm on ‘RECYCLED JURORS’ on J6 Trials: ‘WHAT’S GOING ON?’
Numerous defense attorneys representing January 6 defendants are perplexed in discovering that potential jurors are being recalled or “recycled.”
On Sept. 5, a day after Labor Day, defense attorneys discovered their potential jury pool consisted of jurors who were excused the week before.
“I have never seen this in all my years of practicing law.” defense attorney Steven Metcalf fumed while exiting the federal courthouse after jury selection of Zachary Alam’s trial.”Are there any jurors left in DC? What is going on here?”
The Gateway Pundit sat as the lone observer in the courtroom for nearly the entire duration of Alam’s 8-day trial and spent hours talking with Metcalf about this peculiar jury selection.
Repeatedly throughout Alam’s jury selection, Metcalf asked each potential juror that he was allowed to vet whether they recognized anyone else in the room.
By day 2, dozens of the potential jurors answered in the affirmative, referencing other individuals they convened with at the federal courthouse just a week prior when they were struck down for jury duty in other J6 cases.

Metcalf’s line of questioning confirming jurors are being “recycled” became a running joke in the courtroom.
“Do recognize anyone in this room,” Metcalf a woman who was later seated on the jury.
“Yes, I saw some of the people here last week when I was called for jury selection in another case,” she replied.
Conspicuously, one potential juror after another took the stand with the same story.
As Metcalf spoke to the approximate twentieth potential juror who confirmed they were at jury selection the week prior for another J6 trial, Judge Dabney Friedrich visibly restrained from bursting into laughter.

Neither Friedrich, the Marshalls nor the prosecutors could keep a straight face.
Jury selection is a big mystery amongst a litany of shocking aberrations of the application of the law in J6 trials.
Getting called for jury duty is a simple luck of the draw. Many Americans go through their lives never being summoned or answering a jury duty summons. Few are called repeatedly and actually answer. But for some reason, many in Washington DC are reporting for jury duty for two different trials two weeks in a row.
A computer randomly picks prospective jurors from the jury pool during a “Detailed Randomization Procedure,” according to the Jury Selection Plan for the United States District Court For the District of Columbia.
The alleged random selection process makes it unlikely that someone will get summoned to serve twice, comparable to winning the lottery multiple times.
Once an individual reports for service, their name is pulled from the jury pool for at least the next 12 months, even if the individual does not get placed on a jury.
According to § 11–1911. Length of service, of the Code of the District of Columbia:
In any twenty-four month period, an individual shall not be required to serve more than once as a grand or petit juror except as may be necessary by reason of the insufficiency of the master juror list or as ordered by the Court.
While jury duty is a civic requirement for all eligible citizens in the District Of Columbia, the state restricts how often you can be summoned for jury duty in order to ensure a fresh jury pool and prevent undue hardship by being summoned too frequently.
Similarly, the Virginia State Bar states, “You can be called for jury duty no more than once every three years.”
If a prospective juror is not selected to sit on the panel or struck down, they are deemed to have fulfilled service and are not required until summoned again.
Once an individual actually serves, the Jury Act also exempts an individual from federal jury service for the next two or three years, depending on the jurisdiction.
“Is jury selection as entirely random as the government claims or something else is at work here?” The Gateway Pundit asked Metcalf after observing the preposterous hilarity in the courtroom.
“Really, what’s going on is jurors were here last week,” the high-profile New York native explained in an exclusive interview with TGP. “Seven jury trials started yesterday, I went to other cases and there were attorneys complaining about the same thing.”
Bewildered, Metcalf broke out into a tune, singing the famous Marvin Gaye song, “What’s going on?”
“I went through 85 potential jurors,” he explained, “More than 20 people said they were here in this courthouse last week for jury selection. I identified 20, at least! Other attorneys identified more as well.
“Who shows up to jury selection on a Monday and gets denied on a Tuesday or Wednesday and then will actually show back up to the same courthouse, again, the following Tuesday?
“Please tell me… what’s going on? Do you not see a problem there? You get excused for jury duty, you’re supposed to be excused for a substantial period of time, not excused for five days during the holiday weekend. Investigate what is going on and find an expert.
“How long has this been going on? This is a huge problem. I’ve never seen this before.”
The District of Columbia is obviously running out of jurors, Metcalf surmised, calling attention to yet another smoking gun showcasing why every J6 trial should be relocated to a different jurisdiction. In the District of Columbia, the jury pool is already tainted with a 96 percent voting rate for Joe Biden, government employees and Antifa ideologues.
“They don’t have anyone else to call!” Metcalf admonished. “The Clerk’s office is not even going back a couple of years or months to find jurors — they have been going back to last week!
“Then, they even get wiser after each jury selection process,” he continued. “Potential jurors admitted on the stand that they started Googling the Jan. 6 cases that are listed on a calendar displayed in the hallway of the federal courthouse while waiting to be selected as a juror. They sit in a room with their devices for hours while they wait to be called in.”
If you Google January 6, you are likely to find Zachary Alam is one of the several January 6 defendants who stood beside Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt when she was shot dead by Lt. Michael Byrd, who was promoted after the homicide that has yet to be fully investigated.

In footage from the scene, Babbitt punches Alam in the face before climbing on a window in the Speaker’s Lobby.
In defense of Alam, Metcalf zealously fought to call to the stand Lt. Michael Byrd and Officers McKenna and Tyson, the two officers who stood by beside Byrd as he shot Babbitt.
This request was denied on the morning Metcalf had to call his first witness in presenting his defense.
As Metcalf sounded the alarm on the smoking gun during jury selection in Alam’s case, various other jury selections were underway at the same in the courthouse.
Attorney Roger Roots revealed the same mysterious jury recycling conundrum that occurred during his client J6 defendant Ryan Zink’s trial.
It’s a bizarre trend, Roots warns.

“In fact, In the Zink trial, there were at least four or five in that jury pool who had been on juries for the January 6 cases,” Roots told TGP in an exclusive interview. “And, this is not the first time.
“They get struck down and get called back within days later. They get summoned to the courthouse and they’ve already been on juries — and for the same issues. So yeah, it’s a big problem.
The absurdity of the juror recycling “really supports the idea that there needs to be a change of venue for all these cases because the whole city is running out of potential jurors. Honestly, all these cases need to be tried elsewhere where there are bigger jury pools.”
Metcalf is known for representing other January 6 defendants Edward Jacob Lang, Dominic Pezzola, Daniel Christmann and Trennis Evans.
Roger Roots also defended Pezzola, the only Proud Boys acquitted of the seditious conspiracy charges.

In August, Pezzola was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being found guilty of damaging federal property and assault and robbery charges during his role in the Capitol riot. His co-defendants received the stiffest prison sentences handed to any January 6 defendant to date despite committing no violent crimes on January 6, 2021. Henry Enrique Tarrio was not in Washington DC on January 6, yet he was sentenced to 22 years while Ethan Nordean was sentenced to 18 years, Joseph Biggs to 17 years and Zachary Rehl to 15 years for walking through the Capitol Building for approximately 15 minutes.
Lang saved the lives of Tommy Tatum and J6 defendant Philip Anderson on January 6. He is seen in footage captured on multiple cameras pulling their lifeless bodies off the ground while they were being trampled and beaten by cops.

He also rendered aid to Roseanne Boyland as she lay unconscious after being beaten by cops.
Lang’s case will be the first J6 case to reach the Supreme Court as he seeks dismissal of the 1512, Obstruction of an Official Proceeding count, a crime that was not applied to protesters who stormed the Capitol buildings across the nation prior to Jan. 6.
“If you were looking for the greatest nefarious act of Biden’s DOJ, well you have now found it,” the 28-year-old political prisoner cautioned after catching wind of the foul play during Alam’s jury selection.
“The repercussions of this insane violation of January 6 defendant’s rights could rattle the core of the Department of Justice,” Lang told TGP in an exclusive interview. “Many cases that used recycled jurors should be completely thrown away. No more J6 trials can feasibly happen in Washington DC. The January 6ers deserve a change of venue.
The real question is how long does US Attorney’s Office Matthew Graves think they could get away with this incomprehensible aberration of defendants’ Constitutional Rights? The American people are now demanding answers, and quite frankly the deserve them.”
Dredging the bottom of the DC swamp in a solitary confinment cell, Lang launched the January 6 legal fund, assuring other political prisoners can afford adequate representation by conservative attorneys.
Please support the January 6 Legal Fund HERE to help J6 defendants secure competent private attorneys who uphold the US Constitution.

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