Dem Congressional Staffer Shared Messages Justifying Hamas Terrorist Attack On Israel

A staffer advising Democratic Indiana Rep. Andre Carson on Middle Eastern policy shared messages on her Instagram account sympathizing with Hamas after the terrorist organization killed more than 1,000 Israelis in an attack beginning last weekend.

Diala Qasem is a senior legislative assistant for Carson, including on Middle East affairs and Muslim issues, according to her own LinkedIn page. In recent days, the Daily Caller viewed multiple posts shared on Qasem’s Instagram story which expressed sympathy for, and justification of, the Hamas slaughter of innocent Israeli civilians, including the rape of women and execution of children.

“It’s no surprise when people living under occupation decide to resist. Because the truth of occupation, what happens when you continually oppress an entire ethnic population, gradually steal its land, and collectively imprison it in ghettos, is that eventually the population will fight back,” read one post shared by Qasem, originating from an account called “hiddenpalestine.”

“What Gazans have done today is what Israel does in Palestinian villages on a weekly basis,” the post continued. “As long as millions of free people around the world continue to breathe, the resistance will continue.”

An Instagram post shared by Diala Qasem, a staffer advising Democratic Rep. Andre Carson on Middle East policy.

An Instagram post shared by Diala Qasem, a staffer advising Democratic Rep. Andre Carson on Middle East policy.

Qasem also reposted a tweet critical of the U.S. government for allegedly “enabling the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians” on the same day it celebrates “Indigenous People’s Day,” as well as artwork depicting birds flying out of a cage, which she herself captioned “Free Palestine.”

The Daily Caller asked Carson’s office, as well as Qasem directly, if the posts represent the views of the congressman and if they have further explanation to offer. Neither responded to multiple requests for comment. Qasem is also President of the Congressional Middle Eastern and North African Staff Association, according to her LinkedIn.

A Post shared on Instagram by Diala Qasem, a staffer for Democratic Rep. Andre Carson.

A Post shared on Instagram by Diala Qasem, a staffer for Democratic Rep. Andre Carson.

A Post shared on Instagram by Diala Qasem, a staffer for Democratic Rep. Andre Carson.

A Post shared on Instagram by Diala Qasem, a staffer for Democratic Rep. Andre Carson.

However, shortly after the Caller first reached out to both, Qasem’s Instagram account was changed to “private,” preventing non-followers from seeing her posts. She also added a disclaimer to her bio stating “my views are my own and do not represent any other persons or entity.” Her bio still includes “Free Palestine.”

Another post shared by Qasem stated that Palestinians are engaged in an “indigenous freedom struggle.” She also shared a video where a former Palestinian Ambassador to the U.K. claims that Gazans are engaged in a “political conflict” and have been hostages of Israel for decades.

Carson’s own public statement on the Hamas attacks did not go nearly as far as most other lawmakers. Tuesday, his office issued a statement on “deaths in Israel and Palestine.” (RELATED: The US Has Poured Hundreds Of Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars Into Gaza Since Hamas Took Over)

“The US must rededicate ourselves and our resources to a real two-state solution, and call for the end of Israel’s unfair, two-tiered rule over the Palestinian people. This includes concrete steps to preserve the future of a Palestinian state,” Carson’s statement said. “True peace can only be based on justice. We urgently need a new approach to ensure safety and justice for all. We must ensure no more innocent lives are lost and reject all other forms of hatred towards fellow members of the human family.”

At least 25 Americans are among the dead so far, the with number expected to potentially rise in the coming days.
