Democrats Are Plotting To Flood November’s Election With Noncitizen Votes – Republicans Must Counteract Sabotage By Passing Election Integrity Laws Immediately | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Ingrassia

Democrats Are Plotting To Flood November’s Election With Noncitizen Votes – Republicans Must Counteract Sabotage By Passing Election Integrity Laws Immediately


Across the land, Democratic operatives are actively conniving behind the scenes to further undermine our democratic institutions by opening the floodgates for potentially tens of millions of illegals to vote in this November’s election.  If any issue unites Americans, it would be the crisis at the border.

Neither Republicans nor even many Democrats believe a policy of open borders is beneficial to the long term economic and cultural health of the country.  Americans of all political stripes universally oppose illegal aliens, particularly recent arrivals, from voting in federal elections.

So too are Americans in universal agreement over foreign powers not intervening in our elections by any means – particularly through flooding ballots with non-citizen votes.

And yet, even though noncitizens voting is a policy favored by no one, Democrats on Capitol Hill are busily at work to make it easier to sabotage our election systems by reliance on illegal aliens.

For example, this week Democrats in the Senate have blocked the SAVE Act, a critical piece of legislation that would prevent illegals from voting in federal elections, as well as other forms of fraud that might compromise the integrity of this November’s race.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit:

The SAVE Act aims to amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to enforce stricter voter registration requirements. Under the proposed legislation, voters would need to provide documentary proof of U.S. citizenship to vote in federal elections—a shift from the current law, which permits states to demand citizenship proof only for local and state elections.

The Senate’s failure thus far to act follows just a day after the bill was successfully passed with a vote of 221-198 in the House of Representatives, despite “nearly every Democrat opposing the matter.”

For his part, President Trump has made passing the SAVE Act – and the issue of safeguarding our federal elections from illegal votes – a centerpiece of his 2024 platform.

On Tuesday, President Trump took to Truth Social to implore Republicans from passing the bill, declaring “our whole voting system is under siege.”

He wrote: “Non-citizen illegal migrants are getting the right to vote, being pushed by crooked Democrat Politicians who are not being stopped by an equally dishonest Justice Department.”

Screenshot: @realDonaldTrump/Truth Social

On Tuesday, President Trump took to Truth Social to implore Republicans from passing the bill, declaring “our whole voting system is under siege.”

President Trump then underscored the strategy Democrats are using to rig the elections using illegal votes.  “The Democrats can’t win on their policies, [and so] the only way they can win is to CHEAT … That’s how they get an incapacitated moron like Joe Biden elected.  Get tough RNC (Michael Whatley), Speaker Johnson, and all State and Local Republican politicians.”

It is therefore imperative at next week’s Republican National Convention — which is being held on Monday through Friday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a critical battleground state where President Trump currently leads in most polls — to shore up election procedures by making the SAVE Act a top priority.

The RNC has already adopted election integrity as a key pillar of its policy platform this year.  The SAVE Act is consistent with the RNC’s official policy on election integrity.

Thus, expect at next week’s convention for the SAVE Act to be front and center.  Should the Senate fail to pass it by then, the RNC may want to consider using its policy platform to require State Legislatures across the country to adhere to party rules on election integrity.

The Constitution, under Article I, Section 4, gives state legislatures plenary power to set the time, place, and manner of federal elections. Over the years, this constitutional prerogative was at least twice affirmed by the Supreme Court: in McPherson v. Blacker (1892), and, more recently, in Bush v. Gore (2000).  Because state legislatures have plenary, or near-absolute power, to regulate how federal elections are conducted in their states, they can pass election laws without threat of a Democratic governor’s veto.

The RNC, as the official mouthpiece of the Republican Party Platform in coordination with Trump Campaign can require Republican candidates to support the party platform, or else not receive crucial money and endorsements.

It can also deny funding to Republican-controlled state legislatures that have not already enacted laws which prevent illegals from voting, or cleaning up voter rolls – or, really, any other measure that helps guarantee fair and orderly elections.

County Boards of Supervisors receive their authority from the state legislature.  States establish rules for what these local boards can do, including how they manage local elections.  This setup ensures that local election processes align with state laws.

Given their plenary power over governing election procedures, state legislatures can delegate these responsibilities to county Boards of Supervisors to decide on the time, place, and manner of elections. In short, they can decide how elections are run — and revoke or tweak these powers whenever necessary.

While official federal law makes it illegal for aliens to vote in federal elections, there is nevertheless serious cause for concern that illegals might flood and rig our ballots anyway — particularly this cycle.  This concern finds support in several worrisome facts.

First, a concerted policy of the Biden administration has been to flood the United States with illegal aliens over the last four years.  It is estimated that since 2021, when Biden took office, between 15 and 30 million migrants have entered the United States illegally.

Those migrants pose a unique and existential risk to our election system, and to our national security overall, adding to the 40-50 million illegals already residing within our borders due to decades of lax immigration policies.

It is no secret that Biden’s open borders policies are deliberate: they are designed specifically for the purpose of saturating our system with illegal votes.

These seemingly irrational policies make it easier for Biden, who is the most unpopular president since the advent of polling, to secure another term, despite not having the confidence of a supermajority of his countrymen.

Indeed, the Democrats rely on a system of illegal voters – and creating a pathway to citizenship for illegal migrants domiciled here over many, many years – to win federal elections.  This year, having a presidential candidate at the top of their ballot with obvious dementia, the need to rely on this network of illegal voters is of highest necessity for the Democratic Party.

And indeed, recent studies confirm all of this.  Senator Mike Lee, who brought the SAVE Act to the Senate floor, said that according to one recent study, “noncitizens have ample openings to vote illegally.  It found that anywhere from 10% to 27% of noncitizens are registered to vote, and 5% to 13% of noncitizens do actually vote in presidential elections, no less.”

Even taking the smallest percentage, 5%, and a lower estimation of illegal migrant crossings under Joe Biden, ten million (while disregarding the tens of millions already here from the Obama, Bush, and Clinton years), that would still mean potentially a half million illegals have unlawfully made their way onto voter rolls this cycle.  A half million is ten times the number of voters that decided the 2020 and 2016 presidential elections.

And to reiterate: a half million would be the lowest and most conservative estimate.  The higher figure, 27%, of 25 million illegals would mean potentially 6,750,000 illegals can vote in this November’s election – that staggering figure is greater than the populations of at least 33 states!

Hence, the great need to “guard the vote” by passing the SAVE Act. Failing that, using backdoor methods, such as the RNC’s bully pulpit to pressure state legislatures into adopting election integrity laws that will help safeguard ballots from subversion by noncitizen votes.

Strident election integrity policies are the only way to meaningfully parse out fraud and subversion in this November’s presidential race.  State legislatures have near-absolute power to enact these policies.

If Congress should fail in its moral and constitutional prerogative to protect our most democratic institution, the vote, state legislatures must come to our country’s rescue and do the work where Congress has failed.

That is the only way Americans will be able to rest easily, with the knowledge that our elections are fair, orderly, and just – which, in turn, is the only recipe to preserve our democracy and restore legitimacy back to the White House.

Photo of author

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly re-truthed by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble.

You can email Paul Ingrassia here, and read more of Paul Ingrassia’s articles here.

