DEMS IN DISARRAY: AOC Whines Over Joe Biden’s Sudden Reversal on Border Wall – Makes Ridiculous Statement About America Contributing to Illegal Immigration (VIDEO)

Who does not love good old-fashioned blue-on-blue crime? AOC whined over Joe Biden’s epic flip-flop on border security and embarrassed herself further with a ridiculous statement about the US contributing to illegal immigration.
As The Gateway Pundit’s Brian Lupo reported Thursday, the Joe Biden decided to reverse course and build a border wall segment presumably in response to atrocious polls. In the process, his regime bulldozed over environmental, historical preservation, and Native American gravesite protections statutes in the process.
In total, 26 federal laws were waived to allow border construction as Cristina Laila noted. Biden astoundingly claimed he had “no choice” in the matter and actually did not support the wall.
In response to Biden’s reversal, AOC posted a video Thursday night angrily slamming him for the decision, calling it a “terrible idea” and a “broken promise.”
She then proceeded to make asinine statements on the wall and blamed the US for contributing to illegal immigration.
“You could build a great, big Trumpy wall on the U.S. southern border and it’s still not going to fix this problem. and I’m going to tell you why.”
“The US and US foreign policy is contributing to the displacement of millions of people in South America to begin with. And if we do not address the migrant crisis at its root, it is still going to be a problem. And if you have the displacement of millions of people, it is going to destabilize the entire region.”
“A wall does nothing to stop people fleeing poverty and violence from coming to the United States. Walls only serve to push migrants into more remote areas, increasing their chances of death. It is a cruel policy.”
Beyond the whining about Biden, her statement about US foreign policy contributing to illegal immigration is ridiculous because we all know Biden’s lawless, open border policies are the root cause. We did not have this problem under the Trump Administration because the 45th president actually believes in the rule of law.
She also released a statement continuing her meltdown and accusing Biden of lying. She also blamed Florida Senator Marco Rubio and demanded “immigration reform”
The Biden administration was not required to waive several environmental laws to expedite the building of the border wall. The President needs to take responsibility for this decision and reverse course.
A wall does nothing to deter people who are fleeing poverty and violence from coming to the United States. You do not risk your life or your children’s’ lives going through the Darién Gap or traversing hundreds of miles of desert if you have any other options. Walls only serve to push migrants into more remote areas, increasing their chances of death. It is a cruel policy.
Instead, the US must take examining the root of migration more seriously, re-examine policy towards Latin America, and stop contributing to the destabilization that drives migration – as Senator Marco Rubio’s Venezuela sanctions have done. We also have to finally invest in meaningful immigration reform.
The Daily Mail notes that in addition to building a section of wall, the Biden regime will soon begin illegal Venezuelan migrants back too their socialist-run country. Sounds like Biden is worried about re-election, no?