Detransitioner Chloe Cole warns Disney CEO Bob Iger that ‘lawsuits are coming’ – Washington Examiner

Gender activist Chloe Cole warned Disney about upcoming lawsuits at its annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday.

She presented the “Gender-Based Compensation Gaps and Associated Risks” proposal that noted the Walt Disney Company’s medical benefits for employees cover gender dysphoria transitioning but does not provide medical care or insurance coverage for those who desire to “detransition.” Her proposal calls out the company’s “inequities” in compensation and benefits for employees across gender categories.

Cole posted a video of her comments on Wednesday at the Disney shareholder meeting discussing the proposal.

“Just got off the phone from the Disney annual shareholders meeting,” Cole said in a social media post on X. “I needed to call out Bob Iger and the rest of the board’s hypocrisy and the dangerous lies they feed to us through the media.”

Just got off the phone from the @Disney annual shareholders meeting.

I needed to call out Bob Iger and the rest of the board’s hypocrisy and the dangerous lies they feed to us through the media.

Here is what I said:

— Chloe Cole ⭐️ (@ChoooCole) April 3, 2024

Cole, a 19-year-old biological female, experienced gender dysphoria at 12 years old. She attempted to transition to a male with puberty blockers and a double mastectomy at the age of 16. She later detransitioned and became a strong advocate against gender transitions for minors.

“Disney pays for gender transition interventions, but not detransitioning care. Therefore, the Company discriminates based on gender identity, under EEOC regulations,” Cole said at the shareholder meeting on the phone.

She continued, “I speak from personal experience, as someone who was deceived and physically harmed at a young age by gender ideology, validated by the medical industry, and pushed to the masses by corporations like Disney. Influenced by modern media and social networks, I began a transition to male at age 12. By age 16, after practitioners I trusted encouraged me to take puberty blockers and get a double mastectomy, I tried to come back to reality. But it was too late.”

“My body has been irreversibly damaged, and years later, my chest is still in bandages. My doctors have abandoned me. New Doctors look and shrug. As a result, I am suing those professionals who steered me into taking these destructive steps that have permanently scarred me,” she said.

Cole pushed back on Disney’s response to her proposal.

“But Disney, in its arrogance, has responded to our proposal by stating that I am only trying to ‘generate attention’ for a ‘limited agenda.’ Mr. Iger, Disney under your watch is pushing the ‘limited agenda’ of gender ideology. Disney has become the Ursula that is stealing the voices of thousands of little Ariel’s across the world by telling us we can be something that we can never become,” Cole said.

She added, “The lawsuits are coming, sir. It’s only a matter of time before current or past employees, whose bodies and lives have been irreversibly harmed, will show up at your door looking for justice and restitution. Please vote FOR Proposal Number 7.”


Disney’s board of directors rejected Cole’s proposal at the annual meeting, claiming the proposal was “intended to serve the particular interest of the proponent.” Cole’s proposal was presented in collaboration with the National Legal and Policy Center and as a patient advocate for the medical accountability group Do No Harm.

Disney’s shareholder meeting contemplated numerous proposals but its biggest vote was whether to maintain the current leadership of the company or to go in a different direction. CEO Bob Iger and his slate of board members prevailed on Wednesday when they received the backing of 94% of shareholders.
