DEVELOPING: Third IRS Official Confirms Biden DOJ Blocked US Attorney David Weiss From Charging Hunter Biden
A third IRS official has come forward to House Republicans to confirm Biden’s Justice Department blocked US Attorney from Delaware Dave Weiss from charging Hunter Biden.
According to the Washington Examiner, IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf told lawmakers on the House Ways and Means Committee last week that the DOJ refused to approve tax charges against Hunter Biden.
“DOJ Tax would have to authorize charges prior to David Weiss recommending an indictment or prosecution,” Batdorf said during his interview according to the transcript obtained by the Examiner.
“So, I mean, my understanding is that, I mean, he can’t make that decision without DOJ Tax authorization,” Batdorf said.
The Washington Examiner reported:
A third IRS official confirmed that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss faced roadblocks when attempting to bring charges against Hunter Biden, contradicting denials issued Wednesday by Attorney General Merrick Garland.
IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf told the House Ways and Means Committee in a closed-door interview on Sept. 12 that he felt “frustrated” by the refusal of the Justice Department to approve tax charges that IRS agents viewed as well-supported by evidence, according to a transcript of the interview obtained by the Washington Examiner.
He also said the IRS removed agent Gary Shapley, a whistleblower, from the Hunter Biden case at the direction of Weiss despite having done nothing wrong.
Batdorf’s testimony was the latest piece of evidence to suggest Weiss did not enjoy the unfettered authority to pursue Hunter Biden that Garland and others claimed he had.
Two IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapley, and Joseph Ziegler, already testified on the government prosecutors’ preferential treatment of Hunter Biden.
Gary Shapley said Biden-appointed US Attorneys blocked charges against Hunter Biden.
Of course, US Attorney General Merrick Garland denied this was happening in a sworn statement under oath. Garland insisted Weiss had ‘full authority’ to bring charges against Hunter Biden.
However, Shapley’s testimony lined up with what whistleblower X, identified as Joseph Ziegler, said during a hearing in July.
Zieger said David Weiss, the US Attorney from Delaware, was hamstrung and marginalized by DOJ officials.
“It appeared to me, based on what I experienced, that the U.S. Attorney in Delaware in our investigation was constantly hamstrung, limited, and marginalized by DOJ officials,” Ziegler said.
“The Justice Department allowed the president’s political appointees to weigh in on whether to charge the president’s son,” Shapley said referring to the US Attorneys in DC and California.
“This case was presented to two presidentially-appointed U.S. attorneys in D.C. and California. That no charges were brought in those districts tells you everything you need to know,” Shapley said.
Earlier this summer Gary Shapley appeared on Fox News to discuss Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal and DOJ corruption with host Bret Baier.
Shapley told Bret Baier that Hunter Biden received around $8.3 million from China (Chinese energy firm CEFC), Ukraine, and Romania between 2014-2019.
“Based on all the financial records that we did find, they’ve been analyzed – it was around $8.3 million he [Hunter] received,” Shapley said.
“From who?” Bret Baier asked.
“They came from China – from CEFC – came from Ukraine, and from Romania,” Shapley said. “And even the Burisma money…the 2014 and 2015 taxes years when the Burisma money was coming in, I mean to this day, there is still about $400,000 of unreported income from Burisma in 2014. Hunter Biden was told by his partner Eric Schwerin that he needed to amend his returns and he never did.”
Shapley said the statute of limitations ran out so Hunter Biden got away with not paying his taxes AND he was not charged for evasion.
This is why the corrupt prosecutors dragged out the Hunter Biden investigation for 5 years.
“So the DC US Attorney’s office declining those charges – David Weiss’s requested special counsel authority being denied and then the statute of limitations then expires in November and December of 2022 so those years are gone and there’s no way to recoup the money from that Burisma income,” Shapley said.
Shapley told Bret Baier that a public document deliberately downplayed Hunter Biden’s tax crimes and used the term “in excess of $100,000” to describe what he failed to pay for 2017 and 2018 – the real numbers are shocking.
“Is there criminal implications in what you were investigating when it comes to Hunter Biden?” Bret Baier asked Shapley.
“Absolutely and the most substantive felony charges were left off the table,” Shapley said.
“Which would have been what?” Baier asked.
“Evasion for ’14, false returns ’18 and 2019. So, as of right now in the information that’s been out there in the public, it uses the term ‘in excess of $100,000’ for 2017, separately for 2018. The true number is $580,000 of failure to pay for 2017 and $620,000 for 2018 – yet this document puts it close to $100,000,” Shapley said.
Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges last Thursday.
Biden was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.
Special Counsel Dave Weiss indicted Hunter Biden after the sweetheart plea deal fell apart last month.
Last Thursday’s gun-related charges aren’t the end of Hunter Biden’s legal problems. Weiss previously withdrew Hunter’s tax-related charges in Delaware and said the venue for the offenses are either in California or DC.
Prosecutors say the venue for Hunter Biden’s tax-related charges lies either in California or DC, not Delaware.

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