Do Not Miss! Jeremy Brown In His Own Words – A Truth in Media Video Report on the Ongoing Abuse of an American Hero

US political prisoner and former Green Beret Jeremy Brown, who sits in prison because he refused to work as an undercover operative for Chris Wray’s FBI on January 6, 2021.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on former Green Beret Jeremy Brown’s story numerous times in the past three years. Jeremy refused to work as an FBI operative on January 6, 2021. Brown later released video of the FBI agents coming to his door to recruit him. For this “crime,” Wray had his FBI storm Jeremy’s home in 2021 and arrest him. Jeremy sits in prison to this day.

Truth in Media released the Jeremy Brown story this week. When you have time, please sit and watch this story of horrendous government abuse. Jeremy Brown gave years of his life to serve his country. Now he sits behind bars, another political prisoner of the Biden regime.

Via Truth in Media:

Jeremy Brown is a name you might not know. He is a decorated veteran who served 20 years in the US Army Special Forces, retiring in 2012. He was among the thousands who went to Washington, DC on January sixth, accused by the federal government of trespassing and disorderly conduct at the US Capitol and its grounds. In September 2021, he was arrested at his Tampa home.

During a search of his RV, officials said they found illegal weapons and a national security document. He was held in jail awaiting trial on weapons charges. Over a year later, he was found guilty of possessing illegal guns, explosives, and that classified document.

In April 2023, he was sentenced to 87 months in prison. That is the official story. You can read about it in the papers or online.

But Brown says there is more to it than that. In fact, there’s a lot more. Laura Logan wanted to hear the missing parts, so she visited the Citrus County detention facility in Florida for an exclusive interview. This is Jeremy Brown in his own words.

Jeremy’s time in prison has given him plenty of time to think, and now he has plenty of questions. One question is, if the government believes he was part of some dangerous conspiracy, why haven’t they asked him about it?

No one can be certain what the future holds for Jeremy’s life — or his country.

The post Do Not Miss! Jeremy Brown In His Own Words – A Truth in Media Video Report on the Ongoing Abuse of an American Hero appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
