Don Bacon says ‘it’s possible’ that Johnson could lose speakership over Ukraine aid – Washington Examiner

Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) said it was “possible” that House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) could lose his position over Ukraine aid. 

Johnson has indicated he plans to bring aid for Ukraine to the floor after the House’s two-week recess. However, some House Republicans have remained staunchly opposed to passing any kind of aid for Ukraine without funding for border security as well.

When asked on NBC’s Meet the Press with Kristen Welker on Sunday, Bacon said it was “possible” Johnson could lose his position over the issue.

“It’s possible. I’m not going to deny it. We have one or two people that are not team players,” Bacon said. 

“They’d rather enjoy the limelight and social media. The fact is with a one-seat majority, and we’ll end up with a three- or four-seat majority with some special elections, but that’s out of 435 people. It’s a very narrow majority, and one or two people can make us a minority,” Bacon added. 

WATCH: Some Republicans oppose Speaker Johnson putting a Ukraine aid up for a vote.@kwelkernbc: “Do you think he could lose his speakership over this?”

Rep. @DonJBacon (R-Neb.): “It possible. I’m not going to deny it. We have one or two people that are not team players.”

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) March 31, 2024

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) filed a motion to remove him from the speakership last week after the House passed a bipartisan spending measure to avoid a partial government shutdown.

“I filed the motion to vacate today, but it’s more of a warning and a pink slip,” Greene said. “I respect our conference. I paid all my dues to my conference. I’m a member in good standing, and I do not wish to inflict pain on our conference and to throw the House into chaos.”

Bacon said he is under the view that “you work with the team” and that he doesn’t need to get 100% of what he wants in legislation. 

“We have some people that if they don’t get 100%, they want to bring the House down, and it makes us dysfunctional,” Bacon said. “So that’s [Speaker Johnson losing his position] a possibility.” 

He also said he thinks there would be Democrats who do not want to see House Republican dysfunction, abstaining from voting one way or another. 

“I do think there will be Democrats, though, who do not want to see this dysfunction,” He said. “I think they’ll probably vote present or maybe not be there for a vote. 

Some Democrats have said they would not be opposed to keeping Johnson in his position in order to aid Ukraine. 

“If the choice is between Ukraine aid and providing a vote to stop a motion to vacate or no Ukraine aid, I think there’s a lot of Democrats who would be willing to assist in getting it done,” Rep. Jim Hines (D-CT) told the Hill.


Bacon still said it was in the national security interest to keep Speaker Johnson. 

“It is very likely that after this Ukraine bill, we may have a standoff with the speaker,” Bacon said. “I hope the Speaker prevails, he’s doing the right thing. It’s in our national security interest that Ukraine remain independent.”
