‘Double Down On Bidenomics’: We Asked Political Insiders What Joe Biden’s New Year’s Resolutions Should Be

With a fresh year ahead and the presidential election in sight, both Republican and Democratic strategists have suggestions for what New Year’s resolutions President Joe Biden should make.

Biden is exiting 2023 with floundering poll numbers that show the president has a low approval rating and is trailing in hypothetical matchups between him and former President Donald Trump both nationally and in key swing states. In an effort to turn things around — or to keep the president on the same decline — Republican and Democratic strategists suggested Biden play into his age, focus on Bidenomics and stay “calm.”

“I think using his age, you know, ‘I’m old, but that means I’m seasoned and wise in the ways of the world. I offer calm. The Republicans offer chaos.’ I think that’s the best contrast he can make,” Brad Bannon, a Democratic strategist, told the Daily Caller, when saying Biden should make it a resolution to stay composed throughout the year. 

During 2023, concerns about the 81-year-old’s fitness for office have risen in the polls, partly due to various repeated debunked stories and slip-ups. A majority of Americans believe that Biden is both mentally and physically unfit to serve effectively as president, according to a November George Washington University and YouGov poll.

Biden committed several mishaps throughout the year, including once praising the “Congressional Black Caucus” while giving a speech at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s annual gala. While honoring the 22nd anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Biden claimed that he was at Ground Zero the day after the terrorist attack. The White House failed to provide evidence to back up Biden’s claim, instead pointing to a trip to the site the president made several weeks later. (RELATED: Joe Biden Tells Donors Real Reason He Ran For President, Then Repeats Exact Same Story Minutes Later)

BIDEN: “Never Forget! – Ground Zero in New York. I remember standing there the next day – Felt like I was looking through the gates of hell.” pic.twitter.com/YBAmEodZSp

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 11, 2023

Leslie Marshall echoed Bannon’s resolution, encouraging the president to play into his age and harness it through the election year.

“Some people will be like, don’t don’t highlight his age. I’m sure they tell him ‘Mr. President, jog up the stairs.’ You know what I’m saying?” Marshall told the Daily Caller.

“We all trip, I don’t care what age you are. Make light of it. Use it. Use it to his advantage,” Marshall continued.

Aside from concerns about the president’s age, Biden and his administration have faced backlash for their messaging surrounding the president’s economic policies, more commonly known as “Bidenomics.” While the White House continues to claim the economy is improving, even saying that Thanksgiving in 2023 was one of the cheapest ever, the American people are not convinced. Seventy-five percent of U.S. adults said in September that the economy is in a “fair” or “poor” state while sixty-one percent of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck.

Democrats previously warned the administration that the messaging was not working with some even begging the White House to drop “Bidenomics” out of fear that the aggressive push of a booming economy may be upsetting Americans who are struggling. (RELATED: Biden’s Inner Circle Is Reportedly Scrambling To Salvage ‘Bidenomics’ Messaging After Months Of Failure)

“I hope he resolves to double down on Bidenomics,” Sean Spicer, host of the Sean Spicer podcast and former chairman for the RNC’s Temporary Committee on Presidential Debates, told the Daily Caller. 

“Keep up the good work with oil and gas production in the United States,” Mike McKenna, GOP consultant and MWR Strategies president, told the Daily Caller.


“We’ve created more than 13,000,000 jobs…Wages are up. Inflation is coming down…Bidenomics…it’s moving this country forward!” pic.twitter.com/1hcnyPChjU

— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) July 25, 2023

Other GOP strategists suggested that Biden secure the border or take action against members of the administration who protested the president’s pro-Israel stance.

“Fire all the kids who work for him and protested him on his own front lawn,” Scott Jennings, a longtime GOP adviser in Kentucky and veteran of numerous campaigns, told the Daily Caller. “Fire. Them. All.” 

Since Hamas launched a terrorist attack on Israel, Biden has committed his support to the country throughout its war on the terrorist organization. Biden’s unwavering support of the country has come under fire from members of his administration and allies within his own party. Several members of the Biden administration gathered outside of the White House on Dec. 13 to protest the president’s backing of Israel, the Hill reported.

“President Biden, your staff demands a ceasefire,” a sign held by staffers read.

Others thought the president should take notes from the front runner in the 2024 presidential race.

“President Biden’s New Year’s resolutions should be reinforcing the policies from the Trump administration,” Hilton Beckham, communications director for America First Policy Institute, told the Daily Caller. “Reinstating America First principles that empowered citizens economically, ensured community safety, and fortified our porous borders would be a step toward regaining public trust and steering our country back on the right track — away from the chaos created by the Far Left and their destructive policies.”

US President Joe Biden rides his bicycle along the beach while on vacation in Kiawah Island, South Carolina, on August 14, 2022. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

US President Joe Biden rides his bicycle along the beach while on vacation in Kiawah Island, South Carolina, on August 14, 2022. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

While seemingly everyone in politics has input on how the president should spend 2024, Biden weighed in Saturday on what his New Year’s resolution is.

“To come back next year,” Biden said while vacationing in St. Croix.

Among serious resolutions touching on hot topics, some offered a bit of humor when suggesting New Year’s resolutions for the president.

“[Biden should] resolve to finally learn which direction the Oval Office is, so when he’s done reading prepared remarks in billboard sized fonts, he doesn’t change directions like a presidential roomba,” Mark R. Weaver, a GOP strategist, told the Daily Caller. 
