Elon Musk Posts Extremely NSFW Image Praising Milei’s Davos Speech

Billionaire Elon Musk posted an extremely not-safe-for-work image Thursday praising Argentina President Javier Milei’s speech in Davos.

Musk’s risqué meme depicts a couple in the throes of intercourse, the woman straddling the man while facing away. The man, however, seems uninterested in the lovemaking and is instead focused on the laptop balanced on his stomach, on which he appears to be watching Milei’s recent speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

“So hot rn,” Musk captioned the post.

So hot rn pic.twitter.com/K4YjoWmS8i

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 18, 2024

Milei blasted socialism during his Wednesday speech, accusing Western leaders of having “abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism.”

Javier Milei Speaks To Tucker Carlson

Ep. 24 Argentina’s next president could be Javier Milei. Who is he? We traveled to Buenos Aires to speak with him and find out. pic.twitter.com/4WwTZYoWHs

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) September 14, 2023

“Today, I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger,” Melei warned at the WEF. “And it is in danger because those who are supposed to have to defend the value of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism, and thereby to poverty.”

Javier Millei Says ‘State Is The Problem’

Musk also reposted a version of Melei’s speech translated to English using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, which maintained the Argentinian president’s accent, unlike the dubbed version. (RELATED: Argentine Presidential Candidate Tells Tucker Carlson What Advice He’d Give Americans, Donald Trump)

“Better version,” Musk wrote.

Better version https://t.co/EXOgj56WsQ

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 18, 2024

Milei, a self-described “anarcho-capitalist,” won Argentina’s presidential election in November and took office the following month. Milei has promised to fix the nation’s rampant inflation by replacing local currency with the American dollar and to eliminate approximately half of the country’s government agencies.

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA – NOVEMBER 19: Newly elected President of Argentina Javier Milei of La Libertad Avanza looks on after the polls closed in the presidential runoff on November 19, 2023 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. According to official results, Javier Milei of La Libertad Avanza reached 55,69% of the votes and Sergio Massa of Union Por La Patria 44,30%, with 99,25 of the votes counted. The presidential election runoff to succeed Alberto Fernandez comes as Argentinians have been hard hit by an annual 142,7% inflation. (Photo by Tomas Cuesta/Getty Images)

Argentina is currently experiencing its highest rate of inflation in more than three decades, at over 211 percent. Two in five Argentines live in poverty due to worsening economic conditions in the nation, CNBC reported.
