Even As Riled Up As They Are, No One In The White House Press Is Willing To Call KJP A Liar

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has fielded 88 questions in two press conferences since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate. Not a single one of them was: “Why have you been lying to us?”

KJP peddled excuse after excuse, attempting to explain away Biden’s dismal debate showing as the result of jetlag and a cold.

While some White House reporters scratched the surface of the deception, none went as far as accusing her of outright lies. Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich pressed her but stopped short of bluntly asking her why she was lying.

“Can you also clarify … how is it that the President was still tired 12 days after returning from Europe, had a cold but then went to the Waffle House, and then the following day staged such a huge comeback that he gave those North Carolina remarks?” Heinrich asked.

“There’s a cold, there’s a jetlag, you combine that, he continues to work for the American people around the clock,” Jean-Pierre responded.

Another reporter tip-toed around the administration’s tepid relationship truth as well, still abstaining from directly calling out this White House’s blatant lying.

“President Biden has always promised to tell the American people the truth, so can you be straight with us and the American people? Is the President clear-eyed about what it takes to stay in the race and what it would take for him to drop out?” the reporter asked.

“The President is clear-eyed and he is staying in the race. I don’t have anything else beyond that,” Jean-Pierre replied. (RELATED: Pro-Biden Media, Loyalists Finally Admit He’s Not Actually Running The Country)

The press corps’ refusal to call a lie a lie is a stark contrast to the way they treated the previous administration.

In 2018 one reporter asked former Trump White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders about alleged payments former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen made to porn star Stormy Daniels.

“When the President so often says things that turn out not to be true, when the President and the White House show what appears to be a blatant disregard for the truth, how are the American people to trust or believe what is said here or what is said by the President?” the reporter questioned.

CNN’s Jim Acosta, notorious for his combative relationship with the Trump White House, also asked her point blank, “Were you lying to us at the time? Or were you in the dark?”

Reporters in the current Press Corps failed to press Jean-Pierre in the same aggressive manner.

Following the viral spread of a video showing Biden wandering around the G7 Summit, Jean-Pierre labeled the video a “cheap fake” in June, accusing conservative media of trying to manufacture a narrative surrounding Biden’s age. But following the debate performance, scores of media acolytes and Democratic lawmakers have expressed concern about Biden’s age and cognitive abilities. (RELATED: Democratic ‘Kingmaker’ Says He’d Back Kamala For President If Biden Steps Aside)

Despite the public opining and calling for him to step down, none of the White House reporters asked KJP if her “cheap fake” comments were accurate in either post-debate briefing.
