EXCLUSIVE: ‘Free Palestine!’: Congressman Max Miller Confirms Identity Of Dem Staffer Who Confronted Him Over Israel

Jewish Republican Ohio Rep. Max Miller confirmed with the Daily Caller the identity of the Democratic Congressional staffer who confronted him in the halls of the Cannon Office Building on Wednesday.

Miller confirmed with the Daily Caller that the staffer’s name is Aidan Maese-Czeropski. According to Maese-Czeropski’s LinkedIn profile, he serves as a legislative aide for Democratic Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin. Sources tipped off the Caller that the staffer, who confronted Miller during an interview with NBC News’ Ali Vitali and said “Free Palestine!,” served as an aide for Cardin.

(Screen Shot/Aidan Maese-Czeropski/Daily Caller Obtained/Twitter/Screen Shot)

(Screen Shot/Aidan Maese-Czeropski/Daily Caller Obtained/Facebook Screen Shot)

The Caller contacted Cardin’s office about Maese-Czeropski confronting Miller, to which they replied, “Are you sure you have the correct person? Having seen press reports, I understood this was a House staffer. Also, the person you mention is much more junior than an LD, so perhaps there was a mix up in identification, as well? Additional information would be of help.”

The Caller then told Cardin’s office that Miller confirmed his identity, to which they did not respond.

Snapshot from the halls of the Hill: a House staffer just passed by GOP Rep. Max Miller —who is Jewish and has been supportive of sending aide to Israel— and said “free Palestine.” Pretty rare and stunning to see staff challenge members to their faces this way.

— Ali Vitali (@alivitali) December 13, 2023

Hill staffers are suddenly under the odd impression today that they are in charge and set policy.

They do not.

When I worked on the Hill only 6 years ago, it would have been unthinkable for staff to talk to a member this way.

That staffer should be fired immediately.

— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) December 13, 2023

In early November, more than 100 Congressional staffers held a vigil in front of the Capitol building, demanding that lawmakers push for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

I am saddened to see these heinous acts happening in our community.

Antisemitic actions like these have no place in our society. #StopAntisemitism https://t.co/O5fbIQh94J

— Max Miller (@MaxMillerOH) November 12, 2023

Rep. Tlaib supports the #HamasTerrorists as they scream “from the river to the sea.”

Like Hamas, she supports the extermination of Jews.#Antisemitism is hate. There is no room for hate in Congress or our society.#NeverAgain https://t.co/byui42R6Ab

— Max Miller (@MaxMillerOH) November 8, 2023

The elevation of antisemitism on our college campuses is disgusting & unacceptable.

I’m proud to join @JoshGottheimer, @lawler4ny & @JaredEMoskowitz in introducing legislation that requires @USedgov to vigorously crack down on acts of antisemitism on college campuses. https://t.co/7aFVFSAFgp

— Max Miller (@MaxMillerOH) October 27, 2023

“We are congressional staffers on Capitol Hill, and we are no longer comfortable staying silent. We were horrified by the brutal October 7th attacks on Israeli civilians, and we are horrified by the overwhelming response by the Israeli government that has killed thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza,” the group who organized the vigil, Congressional Staff for Ceasefire, said in an official statement.
