EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: “Probably if My Last Name was Biden, I Could Assume They’d Put it Up There” – NYC Billboard Company Edits Lara Trump’s Name and Song Title Out of Times Square Advertisement, Trump Suggests Possible Legal Action | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: “Probably if My Last Name was Biden, I Could Assume They’d Put it Up There” – NYC Billboard Company Edits Lara Trump’s Name and Song Title Out of Times Square Advertisement, Trump Suggests Possible Legal Action

Lara Trump’s new song, released today, is facing censorship from music streaming services and even billboard advertisers who appear to have violated their contract.

Clear Channel, Lara says, used the artwork she sent for a billboard in Times Square in New York City for millions to see, and they edited it to remove her name and the title of her song. Trump suggested possible legal action saying she believes this is illegal, and “I’m sure this is not the end of it for them.”

Instead of the image seen below, it just shows a photo of Lara Trump on a horse.

Photos provided by First Class Records, a sub-label of Mailman Media Music:

Clear Channel Billboard in Times Square 09/29/2023

Mailman Media is the same production team that brought us ‘Justice for All,’ featuring Donald Trump and the J6 Choir. As The Gateway Pundit reported, the hit single reached number one on the Billboard Charts and iTunes.

The Gateway Pundit also reported that Kari Lake’s hit single with Mailman Media, ’81 Million Votes My Ass,’ appeared on multiple Billboard charts and hit number one on two Billboard charts. The song also reached number one on iTunes and number 3 on Amazon Music! Their latest single with the Truth Bombers and The Radikals, featuring a parody of Eric Clapton’s hit ‘Cocaine,’ is available here.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that the debut song from Lara Trump and First Class Records is doing exceedingly well on its first day of release, despite censorship from Apple and Spotify. Listen to the full song here:

HUGE: Lara Trump’s ‘I Won’t Back Down’ Cover Released Today With Huge Success – CENSORED by Apple, Spotify, and NYC Billboard! – LISTEN HERE

The new song from Lara, a country-style cover of Tom Petty’s hit ‘I Won’t Back Down’, is sure to be a hit!

Lara Trump spoke to The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson on Friday about this bullsh*t attack on her First Amendment. Listen below:

Trump: As of about five minutes ago, the billboard company, Clear Channel, I guess, who owns this billboard, put a version of things up, but it’s not what we agreed to. It’s not what we signed on. They put up just the picture, not not a song title, not my name, just the picture of the cover of the song. That’s it.

It’s not called anything. So we wanted just the cover of the song, like the picture that you see there if you pull the song up on wherever you’re looking at it. It’s a picture me on the horse. It’s got ‘I won’t back down’ and then underneath, ‘Lara Trump.’ That’s what we wanted on the Billboard, and that’s what they agreed to put up there. And then two hours beforehand, they had a big issue, all of a sudden, with my last name on there, and they said, “well, we can’t put Lara Trump on there. We could go maybe with Lara, but Trump? Absolutely not! Is that okay?” And I told LJ, no, that is not okay. That’s my name, and there’s no way I’m accepting anything other than what they signed and agreed to.

Not only did they not put my name on there in any capacity, not my first name, not my last name, but they didn’t even put the name of the song on there.

Conradson: Do you think this was a move by the petty family? Maybe they have some kind of way to, someone to call, or something like that in the industry?

Trump:I have no idea if it has anything to do with the petty family. What I assume is that there’s someone at Clear Channel who felt like it was acceptable to discriminate against me because of my last name and because of who my father-in law is, and that’s totally unacceptable. They signed a contract, we paid for it, and they agreed to do it. And it’s totally unacceptable in the 11th hour like this to come back, change in terms of things, and think that that’s okay. This is the same company, by the way, who is happy to host a Black Lives Matter billboard. They say this is political, and they don’t do politics; Black Lives Matter billboards, Planned Parenthood billboards, and teachers union billboards, on the same space, but somehow it’s problematic to put my song up there. Just the cover of the song. It’s really amazing to see.

Apple Music has pretty clearly been shadow-banning me all day. I think the same with Spotify. I got a bunch of messages this morning from people saying, “I can’t find your song anywhere.” If you type in my name on Apple Music and Spotify, way down at the bottom, after a bunch of like, nonsensical, farcical kind of like songs that have been put together; rap battles between like my father-in-law and Hillary Clinton, you’ll see my name and you’ll see the song. However, if you search for I won’t back down on Apple Music, on Spotify, go to the song list, and you won’t see my version of the song on there at all. There are dozens of different variations of it, obviously, including Tom Petty’s, but mine doesn’t show, and that’s really interesting.

Conradson: That’s ridiculous. So basically, if you were to take your maiden name, do you think they would not be banning you?

Trump: I would assume that if it was my maiden name, or literally any other name, you pick it out of a pile, probably if my last name was Biden, I could assume they’d put it up there, but because my last name is Trump, apparently that’s an issue.

Conradson: What else do you have to say about this? I mean, just the discrimination against you, your family, and conservatives in general in America?

Trump: I think that the bias is clear. And I think that there’s an obvious double standard on nearly every front in this country. And the sad news is that these people aren’t even trying to hide it. They’re so overt with it, and they’re so willing to do things like this to people who are outward about their conservative values, and I certainly am, my family certainly is, and there are no two ways about that. But that’s not how this country is supposed to work. That’s not how things are supposed to go. It is discriminatory to do what these people are doing. They’re discriminating against me based on my political values, and that’s not right. I haven’t done anything to deserve treatment like this. We paid up front, we had a signed contract, and the fact that they’re able to do this is really sad. Unfortunately, I think it’s also illegal. And so I’m sure this is not the end of it for them, as far as we’re concerned.

 The song is available HERE on all major streaming platforms.

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Jordan Conradson is TGP’s Arizona correspondent. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in the State’s elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Arizona led to the resignation of one Maricopa County official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room. However, TGP and Jordan gained access after suing Maricopa County, the fourth largest county in America.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson’s articles here.

