EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Harriet Hageman Discusses Trump NY Show Trial and Dan Goldman’s Payments to Judge’s Daughter, Says Judge “Has Intentionally Committed The Most Egregious Reversible Error” to Help Democrats in 2024 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Harriet Hageman Discusses Trump NY Show Trial and Dan Goldman’s Payments to Judge’s Daughter, Says Judge “Has Intentionally Committed The Most Egregious Reversible Error” to Help Democrats in 2024 (VIDEO)

Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) and Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY)

Wyoming Congresswoman Harriet Hageman recently spoke to The Gateway Pundit about the NY v. Trump show trial and the Democrats behind President Trump’s persecution, including Judge Merchan whose “egregious” rulings aimed at convicting Trump only later to be overturned on appeal. 

“In the meantime, prior to the election, the Democrats can claim that Donald Trump is a convicted felon,” said Hageman.

The Trump Defense rested its case on Tuesday and closing arguments are expected next week.

The Gateway Pundit reported on part one of our exclusive interview with Representative Hageman, where we discussed last week’s Congressional hearings to advance a resolution that will hold corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for his refusal to hand over audio tapes of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with Joe Biden.

The Gateway Pundit reported that last Thursday afternoon, the House Judiciary Committee voted to move forward with a resolution to hold corrupt Garland in contempt for refusing to provide the tapes from Hur’s interview, which exposed the current White House occupant as nothing more than an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

Later on Thursday evening, the House Oversight Committee also voted 24-20 to recommend that Garland be held in contempt of Congress.

Hageman slammed Garland for flouting the law “in order to protect Joe Biden and to further the Democrat agenda” by hiding Biden’s cognitive decline:

We also discussed the persecution of Donald Trump and bad actors like Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), who are involved with the Judge’s family. Watch below.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Rep. Goldman, a loyal supporter of Joe Biden and client of Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter’s firm, had several preparatory meetings with Cohen before his testimony in the sham Biden/Bragg trial.

On Wednesday, Rep. Hageman went off on Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) in a Judiciary Committee Hearing for not only preparing liar Michael Cohen for his testimony but also having Merchan’s daughter’s consulting firm on his campaign’s payroll and giving her over $150,000 as her father oversees a sham election interference trial against the Democratic Party’s top political rival, Donald J. Trump.

Conflict of Interest? Rep. Hageman Blasts Democrat Dan Goldman After Prepping Michael Cohen for His Testimony While Paying Over $150K to Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Firm (VIDEO)

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, on Thursday outside the Manhattan courthouse during Trump's show trial, delivered similar criticisms of Goldman and Judge Juan Merchan's daughter:

Luna: "It is by no coincidence that you have Goldman, a member of House Oversight, who's a Democrat and prepared Cohen for his testimony, is also retained by the Judges daughter as a client. Does that seem like it's not a sham to you? It is corrupt lawfare. It's the Biden prosecutions, and Biden you're gonna lose this election cycle."

Rep. Hageman further slammed Goldman for working with liar Michael Cohen "in order to go after Donald Trump" and Judge Merchan's misconduct while presiding over this case in order to interfere with the 2024 election.

Hageman also slammed the Judge for reversible errors, including the gag order and restricting the testimony of Trump's star witness, former FEC Commissioner Bradley Smith, who she describes as "one of the foremost experts in the United States on federal election law."

"It's almost as though he has intentionally committed the most egregious reversible error, knowing that if there is a conviction, it will be reversed on appeal. But in the meantime, prior to the election, the Democrats can claim that Donald Trump is a convicted felon," Hageman told The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson. "That's what this is about."

Fox reports,

Former President Trump’s legal team was slated to call on a former commissioner of the Federal Election Commission to testify in the NY v. Trump case, but the expert’s testimony was not heard after the presiding judge curbed the scope of what he could discuss before the jury.

"Judge Merchan has so restricted my testimony that defense has decided not to call me. Now, it’s elementary that the judge instructs the jury on the law, so I understand his reluctance," former FEC Commissioner Bradley Smith posted on X on Monday.

"But the Federal Election Campaign Act is very complex. Even Antonin Scalia – a pretty smart guy, even you hate him – once said ‘this [campaign finance] law is so intricate that I can’t figure it out.’ Picture a jury in a product liability case trying to figure out if a complex machine was negligently designed, based only on a boilerplate recitation of the general definition of ‘negligence.’ They’d be lost without knowing technology & industry norms," he continued.

Smith is an election law expert who Trump has called the "Rolls-Royce" of experts in his field, but he will not testify after Judge Juan Merchan ruled that Smith could speak before the court on the basic definitions surrounding election law but not expand beyond that scope.

Watch below:

Conradson: I saw you go off on Dan Goldman, the Democrat who's paying Judge Merchan’s daughter $150,000, as they carry through with this political persecution against the President, as a consultant. So whether that means helping his campaign or, you know, honestly, going after Donald Trump, who knows what that means?

Hageman: The hearing about yesterday, the irony of it was that the very topic was how our judicial system has become weaponized against Donald Trump and conservatives. And the whole idea is that we have to have equal protection under the law; whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, you should be treated the same. And what we're seeing is that our judicial system is going after conservatives and going after President Trump in order to stop them from succeeding. And so, that was what the purpose of the hearing was about. And then you listen to Dan Goldman, and he is just absolutely going off about this idea of how horrible Donald Trump is, and he's on trial, and he should be on trial and blah blah blah blah blah. I thought that everybody ought to know what his conflict was in terms of making those accusations. The primary one being that he is paying and he has paid Judge Merchan’s daughter $157,000 in consulting fees to help him get elected so that he can attack Republicans and Donald Trump. So, the irony of that was incredibly rich. The other thing is, is that he was on MSNBC earlier this week, explaining that he had actually helped prepare Cohen, the prosecutor’s star witness, the liar and perjurer, serial perjurer, Cohen! He actually at one time helped prepare him to get ready for testimony. So again, this is somebody who works with a known liar and known perjurer, in order to go after Donald Trump. I think it's pretty clear that our government is being weaponized against Donald Trump and conservatives.

Conradson: In all your years as an attorney, did you ever think this would be possible, such a conflicted judge, so many conflicts of interests outside of just the judge?

Hageman: No. And one of the points that I have repeatedly made is the judges know when they are making reversible error, and they try to avoid it. And the other thing that you'll see is when you go in for a trial, and you're trying to get an exhibit in, the judge may say, ‘Yeah, I'm not going to allow you to get this exhibit in but you can have this witness,’ and ‘no prosecution, you don't get to have this document in but you get to have this witness.’ They're going to balance the rulings in a way to try to make sure that they're fair to both parties. The other thing is that we had a gentleman testify in front of our committee yesterday, who worked for the Department of Justice for over 30 years as a prosecutor, and he testified he's never seen a gag order issued against a defendant. Gag orders might be issued against the prosecution so that they're not out there trying their case in the press and that they're not leaking information. There are gag orders, but they're typically applied against the prosecution, not the defendant. The defendant has a right to defend themselves. They have a First Amendment right to defend themselves, whether it is in the court of public opinion or in the court itself. And so, here you have a situation where every single ruling that Judge Merchan makes is against Donald Trump. He's not being fair at all. He's not even attempting to be fair at this point.

It's almost as though he has intentionally committed the most egregious reversible error, knowing that if there is a conviction, it will be reversed on appeal. But in the meantime, prior to the election, the Democrats can claim that Donald Trump is a convicted felon. That's what this is about. Because this judge has committed such an incredible reversible error. He is not going to allow one of the foremost experts in the United States on federal election law, he's not going to allow him to testify as an expert witness in Donald Trump's defense that Donald Trump did not violate federal election law. He is the former head of the FEC (Federal Election Commission). He has been hired by Donald Trump as an expert witness, and this judge has precluded him from testifying that Donald Trump did not violate federal election law. Well, that's the foundation of the prosecution's case. If you have the foremost expert in the world on that particular issue, coming in and giving an expert opinion, obviously we know what the verdict is going to be. This judge is excluding that testimony; it's egregious, it's clearly reversible error. And in addition to the fact, you’ve got the conflict of interest. His daughter has raised almost $100 million dollars for Democratic candidates who are then going out and attacking Republicans and Donald Trump. Clearly, again, a conflict of interest. And, you know, I look at his decisions. I looked at the rulings, the pretrial rulings that he's made, and I'm sorry, it is absolutely absurd, some of the decisions that he has made.

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Jordan Conradson, formerly TGP’s Arizona correspondent, is currently on assignment in Washington DC. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in Arizona's elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Maricopa County led to the resignation of one election official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room for his courage in pursuit of the truth. TGP and Jordan finally gained access after suing Maricopa County, America's fourth largest county, and winning at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Conradson looks forward to bringing his aggressive style of journalism to the Swamp.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson's articles here.

