EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Tim Scott Slams Teachers Union-Allied Group For Using Race For Anti-School Choice Campaign

Republican South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott slammed a group backed by the nation’s largest teachers union for describing school choice programs as “deeply rooted in segregation, racism and discrimination” before National School Choice week, which starts Monday.

In exclusive remarks to the Daily Caller, Scott slammed Truth in Education Funding, a network supported by the nation’s largest teacher union, the National Education Association (NEA). The network announced it will be launching an anti-school choice campaign January 22 during National School Choice Week.

“It’s absolutely offensive that the very organizations holding back poor and low-income kids are now deflecting blame on the schools that provide them the opportunity to live out their American dream,” Scott told the Caller. (RELATED: ‘Rooted In Racism’: Network Supported By NEA To Launch Anti-School Choice Campaign)

Ranking member Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) greets American singer and songwriter Jason “Jelly Roll” DeFord before the start of a Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs committee hearing on January 11, 2024 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)

“In fact, it’s teachers’ unions and big labor bosses that shut countless minority students out of their schools. Now, they’re weaponizing race to lock them out of a brighter future and forward their anti-school choice agenda. The thing that’s racist is trapping poor students in failing schools, but this should come as no surprise considering big labor bosses have always prioritized themselves over our kids,” Scott added. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Sens. Tim Scott, James Lankford And Rep. Virginia Foxx Introduce Legislation To Protect Parental Rights)

On January 10, Scott, Republican Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford and Republican North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx introduced legislation affirming parents have a basic right to control the upbringing of their children.

The Caller first obtained a copy of that legislation, which is titled, “The Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act.” It would specifically prevent the federal government from getting involved in the rights of parents without first passing a strict scrutiny test. It would also allow parents to use the violation of this right in judicial or administration proceedings, federally or on the state level.

Scott serves as the Co-chair of the Congressional School Choice Caucus.
