EXCLUSIVE: UN Palestinian Group Attempts To Cover Up Hamas Affiliation, Sen. Blackburn Says

A United Nations group sent a letter Thursday to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer falsely claiming Hamas does not steal aid from the U.S. in response to a letter sent by Republican Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn and 11 GOP Senators.

On Oct. 31st, Blackburn and 11 Republican Senators sent Schumer a letter demanding that he reject President Joe Biden’s request for up to $9 billion in humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

The majority of the money the U.S. sends to Gaza is funneled through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). On November 2, UNRWA sent Schumer a letter in response, obtained first by the Daily Caller, hitting back at Blackburn and the 11 GOP Senators.

Blackburn’s office says the response by the UN group is “extremely inaccurate” and “nothing more than an attempt to sway public opinion and get more money from Congress to fund their antisemitic organization.”

“It is apparent that The United Nation’s Office for Palestinian Refugees is desperate to cover up its ties with Hamas. We know that UNRWA officials aren’t just complicit — they are active participants in Hamas’ terror, courtesy of the American taxpayer,” Blackburn told the Caller. (RELATED: Obscure Liberal Foundation Behind Groups Organizing Wave Of Pro-Hamas Activism)


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

“It is clear that these baseless allegations by UNRWA are an attempt to stop those seeking to cut off funding for the organization and strip the humanitarian aid Biden is seeking to send to Gaza. The United States must immediately halt all funding for this pro-Hamas organization,” she added. (RELATED: Dems Really Think J6 Grandmas Are Worse Than Hamas Supporters)

Following the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel, UNRWA staff celebrated Hamas’ massacre on social media and praised the murderers of babies as “martyrs of the Islamic and Arab nation, who were martyred in defending their homeland and nation…”

In the letter, the UNRWA says: “The reality on the ground does not support the letter’s contention that international humanitarian assistance will inevitably be diverted from those in need. As Secretary Blinken noted in his appearance before the Senate Appropriations Committee just this week; ‘Throughout this process, we have the ability and others have an ability, to track where the assistance is going. We’re then able to do monitoring on the other end by contacting the recipients to make sure that its actually gotten to where it’s supposed to go, and not been diverted.”

However, at the same hearing, the Blinken stated, “there will inevitably be some spillage.” Blinken also admitted “Hamas has its own supply stockpile of fuel,” “If it cared a whit about the people of Gaza, it would make sure itself that it used that fuel to have the hospitals be able to operate the incubators, stay turned on, etc. But, of course, it doesn’t.”

Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip allegedly stole 24,000 liters of fuel and medical supplies meant for refugees last week.

The letter also stated: “UNRWA has a stringent staff conduct framework in place to ensure that staff members do not affiliate themselves, and by extension, UNRWA, with any other groups. All UNRWA staff, Palestine refugees, and contractors, vendors, and non-state donors are screened against the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List.”

But in April 2017, it was reported that UNRWA’s Gaza union head, accused of Hamas ties, is no longer employed by the agency.
