EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblowers Break Silence: Staffing Shortages Because Of NATO Summit, Jill Biden Event Put Trump At Risk

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN – House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan is sending a letter Thursday to Federal Bureau Of Investigations (FBI) Director Christopher Wray demanding answers to a number of questions related to the security failings that led to the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump after hearing from a number of United States Secret Service (USSS) whistleblowers.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter to Wray in which Jordan mentions that USSS whistleblowers are telling the committee that there was limited resources to cover Trump due to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Washington, D.C., and First Lady Jill Biden’s campaign rally in Pittsburgh, PA. (RELATED: ‘I Think It’s Providence’: Insiders Describe Trump’s Renewed Determination, Strength In Face Of Assassination Attempt)

“Whistleblowers have disclosed to the Committee that the USSS led two briefings regarding the July 13 campaign rally on July 8, 2024, with the Western Pennsylvania Fusion Center (WPFC) and other stakeholders, to discuss the upcoming, unrelated visits by President Trump and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. The USSS Special Agent in Charge Tim Burke reportedly told law enforcement partners that the USSS had limited resources that week because the agency was covering the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Washington, D.C. FBI personnel were present at those briefings. While the Committee recognizes that the FBI is one of many agencies represented in the WPFC, it is the lead federal investigative arm and a key source of intelligence on potential threats for special events in its area of responsibility,” Jordan writes in the letter.

“The Committee has several unanswered questions about the failures that led to the attempted assassination of a president—the first in over forty years—as well as the FBI’s ability to conduct a rapid, transparent, and thorough investigation in the wake of its recent scandals. Accordingly, to ensure that the Committee can effectively evaluate these matters during your testimony on July 24, 2024,” he added.

Here’s What Jordan Calls For In The Letter: 

  • How many agents, analysts, and support personnel has the FBI dedicated to the investigation?
  • Was there coordination between the FBI, USSS, and the WPFC prior to President Trump’s event on July 13?
  • How many buildings had to be secured inside and outside of the security perimeter for President Trump’s event on July 13?
  • Why was the roof of the AGR International building left unsecured?
  • How much time elapsed between identifying the shooter as a potential threat and the attempted assassination?
  • How much time elapsed between the local police officer encountering the shooter on the sloped roof and the attempted assassination?
  • Has the FBI interviewed the local police officer who encountered the shooter?
  • What does the FBI’s evaluation of the shooter’s phone and digital activity show about his actions and movements in the days and hours leading up to the attempted assassination?
  • Was the security posture at President Trump’s event limited due to resource constraints with the NATO Summit and/or First Lady Dr. Jill Biden’s event in Pittsburgh?

  • Is the FBI’s investigation limited to the shooter and his motivations or does it include the security failures that led to the attempted assassination?
  • How did communications breakdowns between various law enforcement entities affect the ability of local law enforcement and USSS to identify the shooter as a potential threat and mitigate the threat before he took action?
  • What actions did the USSS take to remove or cover President Trump after a threat was known or detected?

Jordan also is demanding:

  • All FBI reports, analyses, or threat assessments conducted or prepared referring or relating to President Trump’s event on July 13, 2024.
  • All documents and communications between or among personnel at the WPFC and the FBI regarding President Trump’s event, including but not limited to, any requests for additional analytic resources made by the WPFC.
  • All documents and communications between the FBI and USSS regarding President Trump’s event on July 13.
  • All FD-1023s and FD-302s, of confidential human source reporting, and review of pending and closed domestic terrorism investigations in the Pittsburgh area for potential threat intelligence directed at President Trump’s event on July 13.


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

Jordan calls on Wray to provide the material, “in its entirety and without redactions,” as soon as possible but no later than 5:00 p.m. on July 23.
