Eyewitness, Who Secretly Recorded Interrogation with Police, Claims to Have Overheard Police Radio Comms Mentioning ‘Blood in the Bathroom’ and ‘Second Shooter on the Loose’ Following Trump Assassination Attempt | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Eyewitness, Who Secretly Recorded Interrogation with Police, Claims to Have Overheard Police Radio Comms Mentioning ‘Blood in the Bathroom’ and ‘Second Shooter on the Loose’ Following Trump Assassination Attempt

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on eyewitness accounts and personal testimonies. It is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as a definitive fact. Readers are encouraged to form their own opinions and conduct further research if desired.

An eyewitness who was detained by the police on the day of the Trump assassination attempt has come forward with explosive claims.

The witness claims that during his time in police custody, he overheard alarming details on police radios that were not disclosed to the public.

The witness, who goes by the name Dave James Stewart or “realDJStew724” on YouTube, claims to have overheard police discussing the presence of blood in a bathroom and a potential second shooter on the loose.

Stewart first posted a video on July 28, fifteen days after the shooting, that shows police reacting to a perceived threat on the roof of the building several minutes before the would-be assassin, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, opened fire.

Two minutes before Crooks’ first shot, an officer could be seen with his handgun drawn as he kept watch on the roof from the opposite side of where Crooks turned out to be.

The man, who appears to be the same man in a suit later seen in police bodycam video talking with officers on the roof guarding Crooks’ body, just wanted to photograph Stewart’s ID. A state trooper would soon take Stewart into custody and take his phone, apparently giving it to the FBI who would keep it for almost a week.

Stewart wrote on his YouTube channel, “Dear PA State Police Trooper who cuffed me and roughed me up: Don’t ever tread on me again. You know what you did. Your partner better have had that bodycam on. That footage better not be deleted. You’re going to pay for what you did to me.”

Read more:

NEW VIDEO of Trump Assassination Attempt Shows Cop With Weapon Drawn Outside AGR Building Two Minutes Before Shooting

Axios reported:

David James Stewart was trying to get a glimpse of a Trump rally after clocking out from a nearby Sheetz convenience store on Saturday. He ended up becoming a witness to an assassination attempt.

Why it matters: Stewart was standing right below the Butler, Pennsylvania building where the shooter was and took a video, later seized by law enforcement, he told Axios.

  • Former President Trump was shot in the earon Saturday in an attack that left one rally attendee dead and another two wounded, the Secret Service said.
  • The suspect was shooting from an elevated position outside the rally's security perimeter.

Zoom in: Someone yelled AK when they saw the shooter, Stewart said.

  • Then bullets starting going over Stewart's head. He took video and continued recording for 10–15 minutes after the shooting.
  • Stewart told Axios that law enforcement started shooting at the suspect on the rooftop immediately. Another witness told Stewart that he saw the suspect's head get blown apart.

Between the lines: Stewart was taken on the back of a Homeland Security vehicle filled with other witnesses to a building where he was told not to talk to other witnesses and spoke to Pennsylvania State Police, Homeland Security and others.

  • Law enforcement told Stewart that 18 total witnesses were held in that building after the shooting.
  • Stewart had been just released and was back at Sheetz when he spoke with Axios on Saturday night.

On July 30, Dave Stewart released an audio recording of his interrogation by a State Police trooper who followed him to a gas station.

Dave said, “I was sitting in my car in a gas station parking lot with my front sunshade up for about 45 minutes when I noticed a PSP trooper at my window. I started recording audio from a new phone that I bought specifically for this. When I take my sunshade down, I see that a PSP cruiser has my car blocked in.”

This incident happened a day before his scheduled meet-up with the FBI at 10:00 a.m. the next day to retrieve his phone, which was taken by law enforcement.

While sitting in his car. The officers questioned him about his whereabouts and activities on the day of the shooting, at one point showing him a blurry photo and asking if he recognized the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks.

During the recording, Stewart can be heard confronting the trooper about being detained and blocked in.

Trooper: Where are you staying at, buddy?

Stewart: Am I being Are you being detained right now?

Trooper: Yes.

Stewart: For what?

Trooper: He'll explain. So you can't leave right now.

Stewart: Why? Oh f—k. You motherf—ker. You're smart. F—k... You guys are f—king doing something. You guys are doing something fishy.

Trooper: We're not.

Stewart: Yeah, you are.

Trooper: No, we're not.

Stewart: Yeah, you are.

A visibly confused and alarmed Stewart asked the officers how they were able to locate him.  A trooper who identified himself as Trooper Glasgow of the Pennsylvania State Police Troop D responded, "We're good at what we do."

Stewart: Hey, what did I do Why did you guys block me in?

Trooper: Listen, we need to talk to you.

Stewart: What are you guys trying to do?

Trooper: We're trying to get you with the FBI to get your phone back.

Stewart: Why this time of night? I was already there. I was already at the police barracks earlier. Got no answers. I was there yesterday at noon. Got no answers. I drove down to the FBI building myself. I understand that. And why are you coming here? How did you even know I was right here?

Trooper: Because we've been trying to get a hold of you.

Stewart: How the fuck did you find me here?

Trooper: We're good at what we do.

Stewart: What?

Trooper: So here's the way this works. They need to talk to you so we can get this all behind us.

Stewart: You're not talking to me right now at 10 o'clock at night.

Trooper: Well, that's what they want to do. That's what the instructions we were given is.


Stewart recounts an earlier incident involving a 'man in a red truck' who allegedly threatened people near the fence line, claiming to own the property and trying to force people to leave. Dave believed at the time that this man might have been involved in the shooting.

Trooper: Maybe this is a blurry photo, but do you recall seeing this guy [Crooks] ever?

Stewart: No. No. What about the red truck guy? The one that was trying to shoo us away from the building, the one that was causing fights, trying to fight us all like an hour before Trump arrived?

Trooper: Tell me about that.

Stewart: Well, there was a guy in a red truck, probably early to mid-2000s, Ford Ranger, single cab, bright red, white guy, older, 50, maybe almost 60, salt and pepper hair, gray shirt, blue jeans. He was coming up, telling everybody that he owned the building. That this was his area and we were all trespassing. We needed to move away from the building.

He was getting in people's faces, pointing his finger at old guys' faces. And then he left, pissed off, got in his truck, drove around the AGR building for 20 seconds, and then drove back around. As he was getting out of his truck, he put something down his pants. I ran back over to the crowd and told them, 'Yo, that guy that was just harassing you all? He's coming back, and I think he might have a gun or something. This guy's fucked.' And he came back and started harassing people even more. So we started waving the police down from the rally area to come down toward us, toward the fence. And they came down, they talked to that guy.

Trooper: Hold on a second. So this white male, describe him again.

Stewart: White male, probably in his 50s. I would say mid-50s range. Salt and pepper, long hair, maybe about as long as mine, maybe a little bit shorter. Just a gray shirt and blue jeans. And he had a red truck, and it's a mid to early 2000s Ford Ranger, bright red. A single cab, because I'm pretty sure it was a little thing.

Trooper: You said mid-2000s?

Stewart: Yeah, mid-2000s, mid to early 2000s Ford Ranger.

Trooper: And you said he owned the place?

Stewart: He was claiming that he owned the place. But I was talking to this lady named Val. She lives right behind the farm show. She's like, 'I've lived here forever. That guy doesn't own this place.'

Trooper: Okay. So he said that you all needed to leave?

Stewart: That we all needed to leave. He was screaming, 'Get the fuck out of here. Fuck all you people.'

Trooper: He drove around the building?

Stewart: Yeah, in the parking lot that almost comes up to the fence line. He got back into his truck, and then he drove out of sight. And then he came back. We were like, 'What was that about?'

Trooper: What did he do when he came back?

Stewart: He kept yelling at people even more, but he was even more pissed off, but more confident. And I saw him have something black in his hand, and he shoved it down his pants.

Trooper: Was this when he came back?

Stewart: Yes.

Trooper: He had something black in his hands?

Stewart: Yes. And he shoved it down his pants. I went over to the crowd and was like, 'Hey, that guy that was harassing you all earlier? I think he might have a gun. He's coming back even more angry.' So then we started flagging down the police from the rally area.

Trooper: Did he leave at that point?

Stewart: The police came and talked to him. And then after they talked to him, basically, I think they told him, 'Hey, dude, there's a hundred people down here at this fence line. What are you going to do? Just go. Just leave.' And then he left.

Trooper: Was it state police or local police?

Stewart: It's on that video. I videoed the interaction between that man and those police officers. I can't believe crowd control wasn't sent down at that point. It was out of control, that fence line. There was a friggin horse there.

Trooper: Was there anything else about this truck, like stickers or anything like that?

Stewart: I wasn't close enough. I only saw it from the front. And I just—

Trooper: Or anything on his shirt?

Stewart: No, I just know it was bright red, like that candy apple red, that bright red. And it was one of those dark gray, just plain shirts, just regular. He just looked like a regular dude.

Trooper: Around what time do you think this all happened?

Stewart: It'll be timestamped on the video. You guys have it. I would say it was definitely before the motorcade arrived, for sure, because that's when I started filming. It didn't stop when the motorcade arrived. But the whole fight and everything between that guy, that was, I'd say, a half-hour. I would say maybe five o'clock. It was shortly after I arrived. Actually, yeah, I would say it was around five o'clock. It was shortly after I arrived, because it took me a couple of minutes to walk across the field right there. I left my car and just walked over.


The most alarming part of Stewart's testimony comes from what he claims to have overheard on the police radio: reports of blood found in a bathroom and a second shooter still at large.

Trooper: Have you ever met or spoken to Mr. Crooks before?

Stewart: No.

Trooper: No?

Stewart: Yeah. Get the fuck out of here. You guys think I'm involved?

Trooper: No, just asking.

Stewart: That's a weird-ass question. Who are you asking, bro?

Trooper: I've asked everyone.


Stewart: "Yeah, because when we were first ducking... When they moved us all from the back of the AGR building, and Homeland Security and the other guy with the long gun moved us over to the Township police car to take cover there, the door was open, and we could hear the radio communications. And they said, 'Shooter dead on the roof.'

And then they said, 'We breached the building. There's blood in the bathroom, second shooter on the loose.' Because if the guy climbed the building and shot from there, how was there blood found inside of a bathroom inside that building? So there had to be a second shooter, right? That got shot or something."

Trooper: You got moved to another building by who?

Stewart: Moved to another area by Homeland Security. I got the cuffs taken from behind me to the front by Homeland Security. And then when we got moved over to Township. The Township Police were like, 'Stewart?' And I'm like, 'Yeah, please take these cuffs off me.' And they took the cuffs off me. And then they moved us across the street. And then they were like, 'This is even a horrible spot over here. If the dude wants to shoot out the windows, get in the trunk of our car over here, and we'll drive you to the farm show.'

Trooper: Okay. So what was it that you heard on the radio?

Stewart: There was a shooter dead on the roof, and then they were clearing the building, and they found blood in the bathroom. And they said, 'second suspect at large,' or something like that, or whatever. I don't know. But blood was found in the bathroom, I remember that for sure. Because that's what had us freaked out, because that's what the cops were telling us. Like, 'Hey, the second shooter is still around here. So let's move from this point over to this point where it's safer.' And then they're like, 'Well, it's not safe over here. Let's take you over here.'"

Trooper: So you didn't actually see any potential second shooter?

Stewart: No, I assumed the red truck guy was because what I thought was when the shots were going off, I thought it was the red truck guy shooting us for being along his fence.

Trooper: You don't know who the red truck guy is or anything?

Stewart: Hell no. If I knew, I'd tell you. His picture is on the video. I got a close-up of his face.

Trooper: So there was some surveillance footage that indicated you and [Crooks] might have communicated at one point. Do you recall that at all?

Stewart: What?

Trooper: Yeah.

Stewart: No way. Let me see it.

Trooper: I don't have it with me.

Stewart: Well, f—k.

Trooper: We'll have somebody text it to you.

Stewart: I want to see that sh-t. Yeah, are you serious? I was within inches from this guy?

Trooper: Potentially.

Stewart: No way. Wow. Not only was I feet from the muzzle, but I was also f—king inches from the f—king guy beforehand? Good Lord. I'm going down in the history books, my friend. F—k. God damn it. This sucks. This is all in my mind right now, bro. Holy sh—t. I can't believe you just told me that. Oh, my God.


Stewart wrote on X, "It would be on the dash/body cam of a Butler Township officer with white sunglasses. I didn't catch his name. I rode in the back of his car with neon green guy to the front of the building while the others in the group got in other cars."

The Gateway Pundit cannot verify this claim at this time. A body cam video later released by Sen. Grassley showed an officer who allegedly had fallen and cut his hands, with discussions about him possibly needing stitches. Many believe this incident might explain the origin of the "blood in the bathroom" story.


You can watch the full 30-minute video below:

Photo of author

Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft's articles here.

