FACT CHECK: Are Thousands Of Africans Preparing To Invade Europe And America?

A post shared on social media purportedly shows recent footage of 500,000 Africans preparing to invade Europe and America.

500,000 military aged men are gathering in north coast of Africa preparing to invade Europe and America. pic.twitter.com/FXNtvxElfL

— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) September 25, 2023

Verdict: False

The caption is inaccurate. The video shown in the post dates back to June 2023 and likely shows people in the process of being deported in Libya.

Fact Check:

Italy received an influx of 10,000 migrants to the island of Lampedusa last week resulting in Italy passing policies to allow migrants to be held longer,  Al Jazeera reported. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has been committed to solving the migrant crisis as many flee to the country for “economic reasons.”

The Twitter post purports hundreds of thousands of military aged men allegedly preparing to invade Europe and America.

The caption reads, “500,000 military aged men are gathering in north coast of Africa preparing to invade Europe and America.”

The claim is inaccurate. There is no credible news report that suggests this video is currently occurring. Check Your Fact conducted a search that revealed this video dates back to at least June of 2023. The caption in the video translates to, “Deporting young Egyptians from Libya, may God make it easy for them.”

@medomohammed833ارحل ي سيسي انت وحكومته♬ موسيقى حزينة – لحن الروح

There were reports at the time that indicated a massive deportation effort that was underway in Libya. Reuters reported that thousands of Egyptians were deported back to Egypt from eastern Libya. (RELATED: No, CNN Did Not Report That Cash App Went Bankrupt)

This is not the first time misinformation has been shared online about the F-35. Check Your Fact debunked a post that claimed the jet was found in Cuba.
