Fani Willis Campaign Director’s Connection to Team Biden and Anti-Trump Tweets Revealed – Locks Social Media Account | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

Credit: @JHDeuce

Is this a smoking gun proving collusion between the Fulton County prosecutors’ office and the Biden regime?

As Cristina Laila previously reported, Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

A Fulton County grand jury last Monday returned a 41-count indictment which included RICO and conspiracy charges against President Trump.

Now, a possible link between the White House and Team Willis may have been uncovered. Natalie Winters, the co-host and producer for Steve Bannon’s The War Room on Thursday dropped a bombshell, revealing that Fani Willis’ campaign director, Jeremy Halbert Harris, worked for the Joe Biden campaign in Georgia during the 2020 presidential election cycle. He is also a deranged Trump hater and posted multiple tweets bashing the 45th President.

Winters notes that he has been trying to take Trump out since 2017.

Here is a better look:

This is one of the tweets Halbert Harris deleted:

It seems that Halbert-Harris panicked after Winters exposed his connections to Biden and his disgusting anti-Trump posts. He quickly locked his X (formerly Twitter) account in a possible attempt obfuscate the truth.


While Democrats will assert that a campaign director has little involvement in her investigation, there is no doubt Willis and Holber-Harris consistently communicate with each other. What are the odds that they have discussed the garbage Trump indictment?

One social media user correctly noted that this information uncovered by Winters should be made available to the Trump defense team.

Such a move could also help House Republicans’ investigation into Willis to conclusively prove to the public that she is a politically motivated prosecutor.

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