Fetterman WENT OFF During Private Meeting with Other Dems, Said They Want to ‘F**k Over a Great President’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald

Fetterman WENT OFF During Private Meeting with Other Dems, Said They Want to ‘F**k Over a Great President’

Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman reportedly flipped out at his Democrat peers who want to replace Joe Biden as the nominee during a closed-door meeting.

The incident occurred during a Democrat luncheon on Thursday, which was attended by three of Joe Biden’s senior aides.

Politico reports:

During a difficult and at times tearful meeting with Mike Donilon, Steve Ricchetti and Jen O’Malley Dillon, senators aired concerns about the president’s ability to serve for another four years, his path to defeat former President Donald Trump and the effect Biden’s poor polling might have on Democrats running down the ballot, according to five people familiar with the meeting who were granted anonymity to describe private discussions.

But by the end of the lunch, Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania had enough.

“You have legacies, too,” Fetterman said, according to Politico’s unnamed sources. He asked what would happen to their legacies “if you f-ck over a great president over a bad debate.”

Fetterman then demanded that those in attendance tell him if they are sticking with Biden or not.

“No more than four people signaled that they were, according to four of the people familiar with the meeting,” Politico reports. “While not every Senate Democrat was in attendance and some had trickled out of the lunch already, Fetterman, Sens. Chris Coons of Delaware and Tammy Duckworth of Illinois thought Biden should continue.”

The report said, “The majority of the Democratic caucus left Thursday’s meeting just as, if not more, concerned about the path the party is on with Biden atop the ticket.”

