Find the Fed: Here’s Hoping Someone Can Identify the Tattooed “Nazis” at Gathering in Florida …UPDATE: One Nazi Identified – Says He Was Backed by CIA | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The “Nazis” were marching in Florida on Saturday.

They had a large following for their rally with every member in new red shirts and face masks.

Most of the protesters hid their faces. But a couple of tattooed Nazis left their masks in the car.

Who’s this guy?
He appears to be one of the only “Nazis” who will show his face.

And who is the tattooed guy behind him.

He shouldn’t be too hard to identify.

The feds REALLY wanted to put on an impressive display for their handlers.

Don’t buy it.

UPDATE: One of the Nazis is a Ukrainian soldier. Shouldn’t he be fighing Russia on the eastern front?

According to Laura Loomer:

Kent ” Boneface” McLellan was arrested by the FBI in Florida for domestic terrorism in May of 2012. The FBI said he and others were “preparing a terrorist act against national minorities in Florida.”

He then fled to Ukraine to join Right Sector (a creation of the CIA) in 2014. In 2022, he returned to Ukraine and was reportedly deported. Now he’s back in Florida where he’s active in the local Nazi scene. Yesterday he was on I-4 with a group of Nazis who were saying they support Joe Biden while they were waving swastika flags and shouting slurs at me because I am Jewish.

There is no way you get away with all of that after being arrested by the FBI for domestic terrorism, and there’s no way you get away with traveling to Ukraine to fight in a foreign war as an American Citizen defected mercenary unless you are some type of FBI or CIA informant.

More from Laura Loomer.

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