Florida abortion ballot measure falling short of threshold needed to pass: Poll – Washington Examiner

Florida will be one of several states to vote on an abortion ballot measure in November, but it appears to be falling short of the threshold needed to pass in the Sunshine State.

The ballot measure, known as Amendment 4, would prevent the state from creating legislation that would, if passed, “prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

Opponents of the amendment argue it is intentionally vague in its language and could lead to little to no restrictions on abortion.

A poll released Friday from the Hill/Emerson College shows Amendment 4 falling short of the 60% threshold required for ballot measures to pass in the state. Of those surveyed, only 54.6% said they would be in favor of the measure, while 25.8% said they would oppose it, and 19.6% said they were unsure.

The measure also fell below the 60% threshold in a poll conducted by Florida Atlantic University last month, only garnering 56% support.

The amendment has seen a drop in support in recent months, as the main opposition group to the measure, Vote No on 4, launched. Prior to the group’s founding, a June Fox News poll showed 69% of Florida voters supported the measure, and a May CBS News poll showed 60% of likely Florida voters supported Amendment 4.

Abortion has been seen as a way for Democrats to gain ground in the increasingly Republican state, with Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign launching a bus tour in the state to tout abortion rights.


Major Florida Republicans, including former President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), have opposed Amendment 4, with most arguing the measure goes too far in overriding state law and potentially opening the door for a significant number of abortions past viability through the measure’s wording.

Abortion is banned after six weeks of pregnancy in Florida, with exceptions for rape, incest, human trafficking, or to save the life of the mother.
