Florida Supreme Court Affirms Removal of Radical Soros Backed State Attorney by Gov. DeSantis

Florida State Attorney Monique Worrel

In a decisive victory for justice, the Florida Supreme Court has affirmed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ courageous removal of George Soros-backed State Attorney Monique Worrel in 2023 for what he called “dereliction of duty.”

The landmark ruling is a clear warning to activist prosecutors across the nation.

DeSantis said of Worrel at the time, “The practices and policies of her office have allowed murderers, other violent offenders, and dangerous drug traffickers to receive extremely reduced sentences and escape the full consequences of their criminal conduct. In some cases, these offenders have evaded incarceration altogether.”

Although Worrel sued for reinstation, the state Supreme Court ruled against her.

The opinion stated, “We cannot agree with Worrel that the allegations in the Executive Order are impermissibly vague, nor that they address conduct that falls within the lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion.”

The majority opinion stated, “We have said that a suspension order does not infringe on a state attorney’s lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion where it alleges that such discretion is, in fact, not being exercised in individual cases but, rather, that generalized policies have resulted in categorical enforcement practices.”

According to the Sentinel, during her 2020 campaign, Worrel received $1.5 million in support from the Soros-backed group Our Vote Our Voice.

Gov. DeSantis has prioritized protecting Florida’s residents from rogue prosecutors who pick and choose which laws to enforce, often through the biased lens of “social justice”.

He stated, “We’ve seen across this country over the last few years, individual prosecutors take it upon themselves to determine which laws they like and will enforce, and which laws they don’t like and won’t enforce. The results of this in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco have been catastrophic.  You can go in [a store] in San Francisco and steal a certain amount of merchandise, and by definition, you would not be prosecuted…”

Gov. DeSantis continued: “Those who say this represents social justice, look at San Francisco.  They had to recall this prosecutor who was funded by people like George Soros, saying he’s not going to prosecute.  They did the recall election and he was recalled, even in a very liberal jurisdiction.  But, the places that voted to keep him were the affluent communities who are not bearing the brunt of the policies.  The places that voted to recall him are the working class communities, because they bear the burden of ignorance and refusal to enforce the law.”

DeSantis also suspended State Attorney Andrew Warren, who refused to enforce Florida’s abortion laws.  That decision was also upheld by the courts.

“Warren said that it doesn’t matter what the legislature does in the state of Florida. He is going to exercise a veto over that. He’s also instituted policies of ‘presumptive non-enforcement’…that is not consistent with the role of a prosecutor. You can exercise discretion in individual case, but that discretion has to be individualized and case specific,” DeSantis said when he announced Warren’s suspension.

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