Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Claims US Government is Being Run by Powerful, Unelected Cabal: Democrat Elite and Military-Industrial Complex — The Real Puppet Masters Behind Biden and Harris | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Claims US Government is Being Run by Powerful, Unelected Cabal: Democrat Elite and Military-Industrial Complex — The Real Puppet Masters Behind Biden and Harris

Screenshot: Chris Williamson/Youtube

In a recent episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast hosted by Chris Williamson, former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard shed light on a chilling reality: the U.S. government is being controlled by an unelected, powerful cabal.

During her conversation with Williamson, Gabbard laid out a detailed narrative about the hidden power structures she believes are pulling the strings in Washington.

According to her, the real decision-makers are not President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris but rather a shadowy group of Democrat elites, military-industrial complex beneficiaries, and national security state officials.

Gabbard identified prominent figures such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan as part of this elite group. She argued that these individuals, along with their allies in the military-industrial complex, profit from maintaining a constant state of war. This, in turn, allows them to expand their authority and strip away the liberties of ordinary Americans.

One of Gabbard’s most troubling points was her assertion that the United States, often touted as the world’s oldest democracy, is not functioning as a true democracy should.

She emphasized that the principle of a government “of the people, by the people, for the people” has been undermined by this unelected bureaucracy. This makes it increasingly difficult for voters to hold those in power accountable, as the real decision-makers are not those who have been elected.

Gabbard stressed the importance of the upcoming election as a chance for Americans to reclaim their government. She warned against being distracted by the media’s focus on who will run for Democrat.

According to Gabbard, it doesn’t matter if it’s Biden, Harris, or another Democrat figurehead; the same cabal will continue to wield power unless voters make a decisive change.

Below is an excerpt of the interview:

Chris Williamson: Who actually runs the government, in your experience?

Tulsi Gabbard: Not who you think it is. In many cases, especially recently, the troubling part about all this is it’s not even people who we vote for.

When you look at what happened when President Biden had that infamous debate with President Trump, it exposed the reality that many of us have known for a long time, which is that President Biden has not been the guy calling the shots.

He has not been the guy making the decisions, nor has it been Kamala Harris, for that matter, nor will it be if she is elected President. It is this cabal of the Democrat elite, the woke warmongers made up of the likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and Tony Blinken and Jake Sullivan and people who are in the military-industrial complex, people who profit from us being in a constant state of war.

It is those in the administrative state, in the national security state, who derive more authorities and ability to take away our liberty when we are in a heightened state of crisis or war. It is their friends and billionaires and people in media who all derive their power from being able to have a figurehead that essentially they can control.

The most troubling part about… There’s so many things wrong with this, of course, but really at the most fundamental level, you look at our country as the oldest democracy in the world, but the reality of a truly functioning and thriving democracy that has brought to life the vision that our founders had for us, that we really have a government of by and for the people, and that we have the ability and responsibility for that matter to ensure that the government we have only exists with the consent of the governed.

That becomes very hard to do, to hold people accountable when the person that you voted for is certainly not the one making the decisions.

Chris Williamson: How long has that been the case? Was it ever the case that the President ran the country? When was the inflection point?

Tulsi Gabbard: I don’t know that there’s one specific. I mean, there have personalities come in and shift here and there. I would say the answer to that has probably changed. But in the election that we are facing here very shortly in the United States, it’s our opportunity to hit the reset button. And however people feel about the choices and the options that we have, and they’ve changed a little bit recently. But really, it’s only the faces that have changed. The stakes have not changed.

The choices between the Democrat elite, and I’ve been saying this for months. Hey, guys, don’t be… Because it’s like, Oh, is Biden going to stay or is he going to go? Who’s he going to replace him? Is it Gavin? Is it all of these different theories? They make for good chatter, I guess, on cable news. But I’ve been telling people all along, Don’t be distracted. You take one horse out, you put another horse in, you’ve got the same people who are running the show. It is between the Democrat elite, will be Kamala Harris on the ballot, and those calling the shots behind the scenes continuing to remain in power versus Donald Trump, who has a record of…

I mean, the reason why they’re doing all they can to destroy him is because he won’t bend the knee to this Washington establishment, which is made up of people in both political parties, by the way.

Chris Williamson: What makes you think that a Trump presidency would be any more inoculated against this nefarious behind the scenes control than the one that we have at the moment? Surely, if the people out front don’t make any difference because it’s people behind the scenes that are changing, then what makes Trump any better than what we’ve got at the moment?

Tulsi Gabbard: It’s not that anyone who’s put out front doesn’t make a difference. It is specific in this world that we’re living in now, specific to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. The reason why they’ve been doing all they can to try to keep Trump off the ballot in over 32 states, all of the court cases and lawsuits and everything that the media has thrown at him.

The reason why they’re doing that is because you may agree or disagree with his decisions or his policies or the way that he talks about things, but he is not beholden to those same establishment interests that so many of these establishment politicians are. He’s not going in and saying, ‘Oh, gosh, well, I got to do what this person says, or I got to do what that person says.’

I think oftentimes, even his own staff doesn’t know what decision he’s going to make or what position he’ll put forward. To me, that’s the clear choice. You have a choice between those who believe that government knows better for us than we do, that their power is more important than our freedom, that their power, in many cases, derives from being in a constant state of war that undermines our national security, versus Trump, who has the ability to, and frankly, the backbone to say, Yeah, no, I’m not going to go down that road, or We’re going to take a different path, or We shouldn’t be in unnecessary counterproductive regime change wars.

We should focus on investing in our country and try to work towards a future of peace and freedom and prosperity.


You can watch the full video on YouTube.

.This should give you an idea of why Tulsi Gabbard was placed on a terrorist watch list.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that according to the whistleblowers, Gabbard is unknowingly monitored by two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist specializing in explosives, one plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshals on every flight she boards.

Sonya LaBosco, Executive Director of the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC), revealed that at least one whistleblower is prepared to provide documentation substantiating these claims. Despite her attempts to reach out to Gabbard and her staff for comment, LaBosco has received no response.

Read more:

Federal Air Marshal Whistleblowers Reveal Tulsi Gabbard is Actively Under Surveillance Through Quiet Skies Program

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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft's articles here.

