Gaetz claps back at McCarthy saying he’s not conservative: ‘McCarthy wanted us to surrender every other fight’

Gaetz claps back at McCarthy saying he’s not conservative: ‘McCarthy wanted us to surrender every other fight’

October 03, 2023 09:24 PM

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said he “absolutely” has and will never have any regret over spearheading the ousting of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Following the historic 216-210 vote to toss him from the speaker’s chair, McCarthy addressed the media, specifically calling out Gaetz for not being a conservative.


“When he says we’re not conservative because we didn’t vote to secure the border, I think that does merit a response,” Gaetz said. “We passed a Department of Homeland Security border bill that would have required E-Verify with a host of other reforms. Then, on a continuing resolution, Kevin McCarthy wanted us to surrender every other fight — Jack Smith, weaponized government, everything else going on — just to isolate the border thing.”

“Now, I don’t believe that the way conservatives get ahead is surrendering everything but the border in order to address the border,” he continued. “What Kevin McCarthy believes about governing is that we have to utilize continuing resolutions and if the continuing resolution is conservative enough, if you hang some bells and whistles on it, that that really ought to pacify people who are right-leaning throughout the country. I believe that the only way to achieve programmatic reform and put downward pressure on spending is to do what was done back in the 1990s, where every individual bill is conferenced and debated and subject to amendment.”

Gaetz acknowledged the need to compromise and work across the political aisle, pointing to how he voted for four appropriations bills last week that largely left out his proposed amendments. He also pushed back at notions that he is fundraising off his role in the ousting of McCarthy.

“I am the only Republican in the entire United States Congress who takes no lobbyist money and no PAC money,” Gaetz said. “So, absolutely, I communicate daily, vigorously with regular Americans because the only way I’m able to advance my political goals is if just regular folks give me $10, $20, $30.”

“I will take no lecture from the likes of people who do three lobbyist fundraisers a day and trade favors in order to get cash from special interests on how I raise money,” he added. “And I take deep offense to anyone who wants to criticize the mailman, the active-duty service member, the grandmother who believes in me and goes to to donate. As a matter of fact, I hope they do that right now, and I’m not sorry for it at all because I won’t take the lobbyist and PAC money like every other person does.”

In 2020, Gaetz announced that he would ditch campaign contributions from federal political action committees, a position that has often been reported of Democratic candidates.

The Florida Republican also pushed aside any speculation that he is hoping to capitalize on this moment in history as a means to seek higher office.


“I’m here serving in the House in 2023 trying to get a budget,” Gaetz said. “I’m here doing this job. My voters elected me to do this, and that is what I have endeavored to do, at times with a very small group of people but dedicated people because we have to send a shock wave through Washington, D.C.”

Gaetz also said he believes finding a new speaker of the House will work in Republicans’ favor in 2024, adding that when former President Donald Trump is on the ballot, “we do pretty well.”
