Gateway Pundit Readers- I Need Your Help to Get on the Ballot for Senate This Year! YOU CAN HELP FROM ANYWHERE! Let’s Make History!

Have you ever wondered why more good, stand-up regular people do not run for office?

This Gateway Pundit investigative journalist is finding out why firsthand. I am an officially declared Republican candidate for United States Senator for New York.

They say Muhammad Ali once said, “Impossible is Nothing.” I am on a quest to prove him right.

The first time I met President Trump.


*We only have a little over two weeks left and I need 30,000 signatures in total! I am getting closer every day, but still need your help! If you live in the state of New York, you can literally be the deciding signature to get me on the ballot this April. You can send me your single signature or volunteer to gather more for me anywhere in the state. You can collect signatures from your friends, family, and neighbors and send them directly to my mailing address. I will give detailed instructions below. All you need to do is print out a few black and white sheets and get them signed by other registered Republicans! Then, send them my way to arrive by April 2nd at the very latest. Please mail them well in advance! I PROMISE YOU EVERY SIGNATURE COUNTS, AND YOUR EFFORT IS PRECIOUS TO ME!


See the full instructions below on how to fill out and mail back the petition with your signatures and how you can volunteer to gather more from anywhere in the state. *Please share this article with your New York friends and family if you are not from New York!

See my video below:

Please donate to my campaign here so I can get on the ballot for the primary!

This is a strategy that has never been used before in the history of an election. WE CAN FINALLY MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD AND BEAT THE ESTABLISHMENT SYSTEM THAT MAKES IT NEAR IMPOSSIBLE FOR REGULAR GOOD FOLKS TO RUN FOR OFFICE. All you need is a few minutes, a pen, a few computer printouts, a stamped envelope, and a belief in your heart that We The People stand a chance against the machine.

*If you live in New York State, please contact me at [email protected] to volunteer to collect signatures today! 

You can read more about me and my platform below.

Instructions to fill out the form: Print out as many copies as you need from the PDF file above. You can print the form on 8.5 X 11 (regular computer size paper) or 8.5 X 14 (legal size paper). There is room on each petition for 5 signatures. Only registered Republicans can sign. You must simply sign your name on the first line and print your name CLEARLY under it, and add your ENTIRE address including street address, town, state and zip code where marked. You must fill in the last box on the far right with the name of your town or city. Make sure you print clearly, or your voter registration cannot be verified.

Please donate to my campaign here so I can get on the ballot for the primary!

You must then have your form witnessed by another registered Republican with their simple signature. You cannot witness your own signature. The other registered Republican individual signs the “Statement of Witness” and fills out the appropriate information. IGNORE the sections that says “Notary Public or Commissioner of Deeds”. IMPORTANT- You cannot “witness” your own petition that you signed. You MUST ask another Republican to sign it. In return, you can sign their page and send them to me. If you can get your family and friends to sign, that would be great as well. As many sheets as possible!

If you are interested in volunteering and getting over a few pages (or more!) of signatures (or if you have any questions whatsoever), please email me directly at [email protected]. I can use more volunteers and fighters all over the state! We have two more weeks to do this, and I will work with you directly.  You must mail all ORIGINAL forms back to me at the mailing address listed on the petition in Elmont, NY.

Please donate to my campaign here so I can get on the ballot for the primary!

Please see the ending to my speech at the New York State Republican nominating convention here:

About Me:

Who am I? My name is Cara Castronuova. I am currently a declared Republican candidate championing to become a United States Senator. I am fighting the good fight here in the State of New York- a fight that I feel God has led me to. Since I started this journey, I have been taking shots daily that humble me- collecting 30,000 signatures from registered Republican voters in New York is not for the faint-hearted. I took a leave of absence from my regular show on Newsmax and have been writing less here on The Gateway Pundit to throw myself into this fight full force. I need your signature!

I was endorsed by Rudy Giuliani and Roger Stone- two amazing Patriots!

`For a regular America First gal like me to get ballot access as a Republican in the State of New York, I need to physically obtain 15,000 pen ink signatures from Registered Republicans in New York State in 13 of the 26 Congressional Districts. To put that into perspective- New York is 54,556 square miles, with 62 counties from Montauk Point on Long Island all the way up to Niagara Falls on the border of Canada. These insane rules were put in place by the New York State Republican Party. So before I take on the donkey, I have to knock some RINOs out of my way first.

Please donate to my campaign here so I can get on the ballot for the primary!

Fun fact for the audience- the Republican Party’s team of attorneys representing their establishment pick “contests” signatures of primary challengers and attempts to invalidate YOUR signatures as a tactic to deny candidates like me ballot access after a month of grueling labor and sacrifice. So it is essential I get DOUBLE the amount of signatures in order to qualify. That means 30,000 signatures in 36 calendar days.


This is unrealistic for any working-class American with a job, any regular man or woman with a child or dependent, or any regular person who wants to maintain their sanity. Unless you are a millionaire and can pay a workforce $25 per hour (on average, 6 signatures are collected by any given signature collector). At that rate, it would cost you $200,000 minimum to collect the signatures – that includes labor expenses for a team to organize the entire state-wide operation, payroll for hundreds of “petition walkers,” the cost of printing thousands of ballots and supplies, travel expenses, delivery of petitions, postage and loss of work (this becomes your new non-paying job).

I am doing it anyway and am fighting to win. I am lucky to have a team of wonderful volunteers and supporters who organically collect signatures for me around the state. These include the many activist friends I stood beside to fight the lockdowns and vaccine mandates here in New York, the January 6th defendants that I fought for, and people who read my work and watch my news reports who know what I stand for. They believe in me and my moral compass. They also believe I am the only candidate that can beat the current Swamp Creature Democrat in office- Senator Kirsten Gillabrand aka minion of Crooked Joe’s Regime.

Good foxhole friends are always the best volunteers. These are some awesome friends at a New York Freedom Rally collecting signatures for me yesterday in NYC.

I went to the New York State Republican Convention last month and presented myself to the Republican Party so I would not have to gather all these petitions. That was a room full of the chairs of the 62 counties of New York and the Chairman of the State – Ed Cox.

Although instinctively suspicious of any establishment, I went there with a heart full of hope. I thought that if I was able to address the room, the party would give me a chance to run a primary without the unreasonable burden of gathering 30,000 petitions in one month. I was wrong. In recent history, the party leadership has decided to back a single establishment candidate and attempt to prevent a primary from occurring.

Please donate to my campaign here so I can get on the ballot for the primary!

*If you live in New York State, please contact me at [email protected] to volunteer collecting signatures today! 

I came to the State Convention with the nomination of the Staten Island Republican Party. Staten Island is known for rebel Republicans with heads that contain actual independent-thinking brains- just like me. Seconding my nomination was a beautiful delegate from Yates County named Marsha Devine- because of her, I was officially added as a contender and allowed to present myself on the floor. I had spoken to Vice Chairwoman Devine at a meet and greet the night before. She came from a faraway county with a population of under 25,000, six hours from my hometown on Long Island. She appreciated my hard stance on the Second Amendment and my opposition to the Green New Deal Scam. I mentioned to Ms. Devine I had a healthy distrust of the government because my father was a Vietnam veteran and died from Agent Orange poisoning. Her husband died from a similar fate. By seconding my nomination, Ms. Devine gave me the opportunity to address the floor- meaning I was able to give a speech in front of the state chairs and their delegates in a room of about 250 people that would decide if I would get ballot access to run for United States Senate.

Please donate to my campaign here so I can get on the ballot for the primary!

There were three candidates at the convention- myself, Mike Sapraicone, and Josh Eisen. The party could have let us all into the primary, but instead decided to give 83 percent of the “weighted vote” to establishment pick Sapraicone and ice out a primary. A candidate needs 25 percent of the weighted vote to gain ballot access. That means the party can give up to four candidates a chance to primary and LET THE VOTERS DECIDE WHO THEY WANT AS THEIR CANDIDATES. They did the opposite.

That means there will be no primary unless I come up with 30,000 INK SIGNATURES in a little over a month.

Please sign my petition and get me closer to getting on the ballot!

I did win over the unanimous votes of the delegates of Madison County- a group of God-fearing farmers who told me they followed their hearts and decided to break away from the party. I also got the unanimous vote of Rensselaer County, and some delegates around the room from Albany, Herkimer County, Broome County, Chenango County and Erie County who all decided to break away from the party and vote with their hearts.

*If you live in New York State, please contact me at [email protected] to volunteer collecting signatures today! 

With Kari Lake at President Trump’s Golf Club.

What do I stand for? America First. Protecting the Constitution at all costs- that includes free speech to the point of the most offensive kind. The Second Amendment, which was created to PROTECT US AGAINST A TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT, is a God-given right and must be protected at all costs. We must close our borders and take care of our own men and women who have been abandoned. We must punish China and the Mexican cartels for murdering so many friends of mine (and yours) with fentanyl. We must stop the Never-Ending Wars- my father was a victim of one and has been a permanent resident of Arlington National Cemetery for the past 30 years. I stand for freeing the political hostages of January 6th- many of whom I now consider my friends after getting to know them by writing their stories for you right here on The Gateway Pundit.

I will start a new Senate Committee to expose the lies of the Democrat party about what really happened on January 6th once and for all. I will advocate to defund and re-create the three letter agencies like the FBI that has targeted and persecuted American citizens and the rest of the trash agencies like the NIH that bred the criminal Dr. Fauci. I will fight for the lives of the unborn. I will put the smack down anyone that tries to race bait and divide Americans by stirring up racial tensions – one of the main reasons I left the Democrat party. I will never forgive them for what they did to the State of New York and the country before the 2020 election by instigating race wars.

As a former female champion boxer, I will protect women’s competitive sports from biological males. I will fight for your medical freedom and against vaccine mandates, and challenge the pharmaceutical companies that make injections and addictive medications with no legal ramifications for injuries. Last but not least, I will fight for the elderly that are alone and the veterans that are forgotten. The neglected and lonely elderly break my heart, and I will not let them down.

I know how to fight for people.

Please donate to my campaign here so I can get on the ballot for the primary!

This is a part of my speech from the Republican nominating convention:

“Look inside your hearts and ask yourselves- who is a candidate that stands a chance of beating Senator Gillabrand…who will represent our party best on a national level…who will draw the excitement and energy that we need to get local official elected on the down ballot.

I am asking for a fair primary, a clean primary, a chance to let the disenfranchised republican voters a chance to feel like they have a voice. A primary to showcase to independent voters and democrats that the Republican Party is an inclusive party with a platform that all Americans can get behind.

No matter what happens today, I know God is in my corner. I take advice from trusted advisors- but in the end I only take instruction from God. That is why I stand before you today to let you know- I have real accountability. I FEAR NO ONE- EXCEPT GOD. That is why I will always do the right thing for the the people.

NYS Chairmen and delegates, look inside your hearts and make this decision for the people of New York. The very future of our country is at stake. Pick the candidate that can win, that aligns with you, that will fight for the people that we are here to represent. Give the people a chance to pick their candidate and feel invested in this party. If given the opportunity I will with blood, sweat and courage that only comes from God- bring home the title to the Republican Party. I will make you all proud.

God Bless the New York State Republican Party, God Bless the people of New York State, and God Bless the USA.”

*If you live in New York State, please contact me at [email protected] to volunteer collecting signatures today! Please share this article with your New York Republican friends. Please visit my campaign site at

Please donate to my campaign here so I can get on the ballot for the primary!

Remember, in the end, GOD wins!

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night, 11:30PM EST on Sundays and 6:00AM EST on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights.  You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

The post Gateway Pundit Readers- I Need Your Help to Get on the Ballot for Senate This Year! YOU CAN HELP FROM ANYWHERE! Let’s Make History! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
