“Go Out to the Polls on Tuesday and Make Sure We All Ride a Big Garbage Truck to Washington DC!” – Robert Kennedy, Jr. Brings the House Down in Arizona – Calls Out Legacy Media, Big Pharma, and Elites at Tucker’s AZ Rally

Robert Kennedy, Jr. joined Tucker Carlson last night in Glendale, Arizona.
Robert spoke before Tucker Carlson who spoke before Donald Trump at the packed arena in Glendale.
RFK Jr. was on fire!
Robert Kennedy, Jr.: Somebody called me one of the anchors of ABC today, and I had an off-the-record discussion with him. He said, There’s so much division in this country. I said, “That’s because you’re causing it.”
My nephew, who has traveled with me for 19 months He’s my wife, Sheryl’s nephew. And he’s been working for me for 19 months and traveled everywhere with me. And he’s met President Trump many times now. And he said to me today, he said, “Everybody who’s met President Trump loves President Trump.” He said, “You can’t help but love him. So why does half of America hate him?” They haven’t met him, and the media is telling them to hate him. And I said this. I said, “You’re demonizing him. You’re vilifying him. You’re calling us garbage. You’re calling him Hitler. You’re calling him a fascist. And, of course, people are going to hate him.”
And I said, and by the way, you’re writing all these articles, condemning me, coming into Washington, dismantling the pharmaceutical paradigm. Where are you getting your salary? From pharma. And he said, We tell both sides of the story. And I said, No, you don’t.
And he said, Well, President Trump is saying radical things. I said, What? He said he’s going to pull… He said he’s going to pull CBS’s license. And I said, “He ought to pull CBS’s license.” CBS doesn’t own the airwaves. We do. The people of the United States own the airwaves. Cbs is licensed to use the airwaves, but only for a public purpose, to advance the public benefit. We have a doctrine in this country called the Fairness Doctrine that says if you’re licensed to own a network, you got to tell the news at least once a day, and you got to be fair to both sides.
And I said to this guy, I said, I was running for 19 months. When Ross Perot ran in 1992 for 10 months, he did 34 live interviews on the airwaves, on the national networks. And I said, I did four in 19 months, and your network never let me on a single time. You’re only telling one side of the story. And the only thing you’ll report about Donald Trump is propaganda to make people despise him.
And one of the things I’m going to advise Donald Trump to do in order to correct the chronic disease epidemic is to ban pharmaceutical advertising on TV… (crowd cheers)
There’s only two countries in in the world that allow pharmaceutical advertising on the airwaves. One of them is New Zealand and the other is us. And we have the highest disease rate and we buy more drugs, and they’re more expensive than anywhere in the world.
Italy spends about one-sixth of that we spend on health care. And Italians live seven years longer.
So whatever they’re doing does not work. And don’t you want a President who is going to fix this country? Don’t you want a President who’s going to end the addiction to foreign wars? And don’t you want a President who’s going to end their censorship and surveillance and return freedom of speech to our country? And don’t you want a President who’s going to clean out the corruption and drain the swamp at the regulatory aid? And get the chemical out of our food and protect our children and restore their health and make America the healthiest country in the world, which it was when I was a kid.
Don’t you want a President who’s going to make America healthy again? And don’t we deserve a President who will make America great again? Will you go to the polls on Tuesday and make sure that we all ride that big garbage truck to Washington, DC?
Now, I want to bring on my friend and one of my great heroes, Tucker Carlson. Thank you all very much.
Via RSBN and Tucker Carlson.

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