Gun Sales Spike Following Maine Shootings and Hamas Attacks on Israel | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Gun Sales Spike Following Maine Shootings and Hamas Attacks on Israel

Following the shootings in Maine and the Hamas attacks on Israel, Americans are buying more guns.

Like clockwork, Democrats rushed to push for more gun control after the Maine shootings but the American people did the exact opposite by spiking gun sales.

People in America watched what happened to the mostly unarmed Israelis on October 7th and realized that if that were to happen here, their guns would be the only thing that would protect them.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Gun sales spike after Hamas attack and Maine shootings

Americans are not going down without a fight.

Gun sales jumped in October, and some experts believe it is because more people want to be prepared to fight back if they get caught in a sticky situation, according to the FBI.

The 8.3% increase in sales followed the Hamas attack on Israel and the mass shooting by a one-time mental patient in Maine. It also came during a rise in violent crime in cities and as the FBI is warning of an unidentified attack on the homeland.

“The horrific attacks on Israel followed by the escalating hate speech toward Jewish Americans, coupled with the tragic murders in Maine, are reminders that every American has the right to legally purchase a firearm to provide for their own defense. October showed that Americans did this 1.3 million times, extending the million-plus background checks each month to 51 consecutive months,” said Mark Oliva, spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents the firearms industry.

Justin Anderson, the marketing director for Hyatt Guns of Charlotte, North Carolina, one of the nation’s largest, added, “There has never been a more clear-cut case of the need for personal protection than the Oct. 7 attack, and Americans have reacted quickly.

Americans are arming themselves because they don’t want to be sitting ducks.

The Second Amendment is not about hunting. It’s about exactly this issue. Being able to protect yourself and your family.

