Hawaii Announces Plans for Ukraine Independence Day to Raise Money for Ukrainians – While They’re Still Digging Up Charred Bodies of Children in Maui | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Hawaii is holding a “Ukraine Independence Day Event” on Aug 26th at Magic island to raise money and awareness for the War in Ukraine.

They are still digging up the charred remains of victims in Lahaina. There are over 1,000 people missing.

Maybe they should put a pause on the Ukrainian fundraiser? At least until they find all the bodies of the missing children.

But it is a committed leftist state – so it won’t matter.

Here is the video via MJ Truth.

They really need to rethink this event.

Hawaii Governor Josh Green Announces Over 1,050 Lahaina, Maui Citizens Remain Unaccounted for Including Children (VIDEO)

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