Here We Go: Warmonger Lindsey Graham Introduces Joint Resolution to ‘Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces’ Against Iran | The Gateway Pundit | by Julian Conradson

Here We Go: Warmonger Lindsey Graham Introduces Joint Resolution to ‘Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces’ Against Iran

Guest Post by Miriam Judith.

This week, neocon GOP Senator Lindsey Graham introduced a joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Reminiscent of WMDs in Iraq, Graham’s submission presents Iran as an imminent nuclear danger, a characterization that conveniently aligns with longstanding political concerns and justifications for military action in the region. 

In his resolution, Graham argues that Iran’s nuclear ambitions pose a significant threat not just to Israel but to global security. While the rhetoric may sound alarming, it is clear that this bill is less about protecting American interests and more about aligning U.S. policy with foreign objectives. This is exactly what America DOESN’T need right now, especially with the election less than 3 months away. 

Keep in mind, our lawmakers also just passed an amendment as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that will automatically register all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System for a possible military draft, based on information from other Federal databases. They are also trying to pass the same mandate for women as well. 

BREAKING: House of Representatives Passes Bill for Automatic Military Draft Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26

Graham clearly can't wait to put the requirement into use.

From his resolution to send Americans to die in the Middle East: 


The President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against the Islamic Republic of Iran if the President determines that the Islamic Republic of Iran—

(1) is in the process of possessing a nuclear weapon that threatens the national security interests of the United States; or

(2) possesses uranium enriched to weapons-grade level, possesses a nuclear warhead, or possesses a delivery vehicle capable of carrying a nuclear warhead that threatens the national security interests of the United States.


(a) Specific Statutory Authorization.—Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1547(a)(1)), the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1544(b)).

(b) Applicability Of Other Requirements.—Nothing in this resolution supersedes any requirement of the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1541 et seq.).

The push for military action against Iran is not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of aligning U.S. policy with the interests of 'our greatest ally' when it serves little to no benefit to us stateside. This was vividly illustrated on Thursday in a post on X, where Graham openly urged the United States to go to war with Iran in support of Israel, claiming that it's "long past time to start talking about offense" and insinuating that we should begin striking the country's oil depots immediately - without providing a single way in which American interests would be served.

Nevertheless, Graham concluded his bloodthirsty rant by declaring "Now is the time" for the US to enter the war.

Senator Graham’s statement is an explicit endorsement of using American military might to defend another country's interests in the Middle East, irrespective of the cost to American lives or national security - How did that work in Afghanistan over the past 20 years? Or Iraq? Or Syria? - His rhetoric and legislative efforts clearly demonstrate a prioritization of another country's priorities at the expense of American lives. This is the antithesis of the America-First and no-more-war foreign policy standard that Trump enacted. 

While the senator argues that such a resolution is necessary to counter Iranian aggression and protect U.S. interests abroad, it is clear that his motivations are deeply entwined with his allegiance to Israel. Graham, like many other members of our legislature, has the Israeli lobby as his primary donor. Between 2019 and 2024, Graham raked in the most dollars from the Republican Jewish Coalition, which has given over 100,000 to his coffers according to Open Secrets

Furthermore, if you expand the timeline back to 1990, Graham has received the 18th most dollars from pro-Israel groups, totaling over a million dollars. Only SIX Republicans have taken more from this lobby during that time, and they are some of the worst RINOs we have seen in the past few decades. The list includes Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, and others.

The top spot on the list - regardless of party - goes to our current 'president' Joe Biden, who has received over $4.2 million.

Is it any wonder why we are where we are now? This subservience to foreign interests ahead of America's is a root issue plaguing the entire country. This fact is illustrated perfectly by America-First Rep. Thomas Massie, who blew the whistle about this exact issue during an interview with Tucker Carlson last month. He exposed that every single GOP member has an 'AIPAC' (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) handler who keeps them in line with Israeli policy agenda... "like a babysitter." Massie claims to be the only GOPer on the Hill who doesn't have one of these handlers.

A stunned tucker asks why he has never heard this before, to which Massie replies: "It doesn't benefit anybody. Why would they want to tell their constituents that they've basically got a buddy system with somebody who’s representing a foreign country? It doesn't benefit the congressmember to tell you that, so they aren't going to tell you."


To prove Massie's point further, the Israel lobby is coming after his seat because he is not playing ball. They have spent hundreds of thousands, and likely much more, trying to oust him in this election cycle.

As for this week's news - by championing military intervention in Iran on behalf of Israel, Graham is potentially dragging the U.S. into yet another protracted and costly conflict - when we are over $35 trillion in debt already. The consequences of such an intervention could be far-reaching, escalating tensions further and endangering American troops in a conflict that many argue does not directly serve U.S. interests.

In short, his resolution to authorize military force against Iran is a stark betrayal of the America-First ideals that should guide U.S. foreign policy. His readiness to sacrifice American lives for the sake of Israeli interests is a dangerous and irresponsible course of action. 

As Graham continues to champion policies that put foreign interests above American security and well-being, it is crucial for americans and policymakers to hold him accountable and advocate for a foreign policy that genuinely puts America first.

