Here’s What We Discovered About 15 of the 19 Addresses Tied To One Voter ID In Detroit – It’s Very Disturbing! | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray
Here’s What We Discovered About 15 of the 19 Addresses Tied To One Voter ID In Detroit – It’s Very Disturbing!
In September 2024, we reported that data experts Tim Vetter and Phani Mantravadi of Check My Voteidentified 6,126 duplicate votes on the August primary voter rolls.
Later, 6,017 of the duplicate votes curiously disappeared from the voter rolls after our reporting, while 109 duplicate votes remained in the October vote history. “Our Secretary of State has a record of scrubbing the voter rolls after the media and election integrity groups bring it to their attention.”
Data analyst Tim Vetter and founder of Check My Vote Phani Mantravadi.
A STUNNING analysis of voter history records by Michigan data expert Tim Vetter reveals explosive findings about Michigan’s corrupt voter rolls, and they’re aimed squarely at the person who’s been entrusted to ensure their accuracy.
If Mr. Vetter, who analyzes data for a living, is correct, he argues that Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson could have potentially put many innocent Michigan voters in hot water with the law.
Michigan’s Democrat SOS Jocelyn Benson
Yesterday, Election Integrity Data Analyst Tim Vetter and founder of Check My Vote, Phani Mantravadi, revealed a bombshell revelation to The Gateway Pundit that they discovered by tracking the Daily Absentee Voter Reports.
According to the Daily Absentee Voter Reports obtained by FOIA from the MI Bureau of Elections, on October 28, 2024, Tim Vetter and Phani Mantravadi, who have peer-reviewed each other’s work, claim 208,075 votes were cast in Michigan by 82,647 voters (based on their voter ID’s).
The discovery by Vetter and Mantravadi resulted in a shocking 125,428 excess ballots cast by the same voter ID, as recorded by the MI Bureau Elections.
Soon after Lara Trump announced the “glitch,” MI SOS Jocelyn Benson posted another one of her “fact-checks” on “election misinformation.”
Without providing any evidence of why the glitch happened or how they proved it was only a glitch. Ms. Benson or someone from the MI State Department simply wrote their version of a “fact check” that we are supposed to all believe.
Fact Check: Voters can only vote once in every election. A recent social media post has taken a data report that included formatting errors to incorrectly claim that individual voters were casting multiple ballots in this election.
In a follow-up tweet, the MI State Department wrote:
The error has been identified and corrected. Each of these voters only had one vote recorded for this election.
Why does the Secretary of State’s office say “each of these voters only had one vote recorded for this election” when the evidence we provide clearly states that we are addressing ONE voter ID used to cast 29 votes in this election, according to their data? What, exactly was the “error” that was “identified” and how was it “corrected”?
Here is a graph from Check My Vote that helps to provide a visual of their stunning discovery:
Tim Vetter told us that the name attached to the voter ID could be an actual person who is unaware that his voter ID is being used to vote multiple times at different addresses and that they could, unfortunately, be charged for duplicate voting without their knowledge.
Vetter believes that most, if not all, of the names of the people who appear to have voted multiple times are unaware that votes are being cast using their voter ID.
When a screenshot of one voter ID used 29 times to vote in the November 2024 election went viral yesterday, the RNC began to look into the serious situation. Within hours of their “investigation,” Lara Trump tweeted:
The Gateway Pundit interviewed Tim Vetter and Phani Mantravadi last night; according to them, this incident has not been resolved. In fact, far from a “glitch,” the election integrity analysts believe it’s more like a pattern.
Today, we decided to dig deeper into the single voter ID that cast 29 ballots, according to the Daily Absentee Voter reports received via FOIS request by Phani Mantravadi, which he uses to update the information on his website.
The list below is a screenshot of the data showing the multiple addresses used by the ONE voter ID to cast 29 votes on 10/25/2024 in Detroit.
Although the MI SOS referred to the data that went viral on social media yesterday as "formatting errors," we discovered something else that was very odd about the list. The one voter ID that was used to allegedly cast 29 votes, as shown in the data below, is tied to 19 different addresses. We decided to look into those 19 addresses, and what we found was disturbing. Only 3 of the addresses below are single-family residential homes. According to MI election law, if a voter registers to vote at a multi-family dwelling, like an apartment or condo, they must include either "unit #" or Apt. #" with their registration, so the ballot is delivered to precisely the correct location. The 11300 E. 7 Mile address is an apartment complex with multiple units. This would be considered an incomplete address, and according to Phani Mantravadi, a voter cannot register to vote with an incomplete address. 2640 Trumbull is a residence, but the voter's name (which we are not disclosing, as they are likely unaware of this situation) tied to the ID is not registered to vote there. The same is true for the 562 Marlborough St. address.
The 10100 Harper Street address is a Rehab center called "Operation Get Down," in Detroit.
The 1152 Holcomb St. is a 4-5 story apartment building. No apartment number, however, is listed at this address, which makes it an invalid registration address.
12260 Camden St. is a Detroit Faith Clinic C.O.G.I.C. Their Facebook page shows they work with youths, and they appear to have a church at this location as well.
13220 Woodward Avenue is an Oasis Emergency Shelter for Men and is part of the Detroit Rescue Mission
This may be my personal favorite: 1401 W. Fort St is a Detroit USPS location. MI citizens cannot register to vote at a post office, for the record!
14320 Kercheval is a Food Pantry. It is not a shelter, and there is no reason why this address should be used to register to vote.
1820 Mount Elliott St is a soup kitchen. This is not a shelter, and there should not be anyone registered to vote here.
1950 Trumbull is a church.
23 E. Adams is the address for the Central United Methodist Church
The Noah Project is located at 23 E. Adams in Detroit. It is not an overnight shelter and should not be used as an address to register to vote.
The Pope Francis Center is located at 438 St. Antoine St. in Detroit It is also a day center and no one should be registered to vote there.
4390 Conner is another address for the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, which is NOT a residence, and their address should not be listed in Michigan's Qualified Voter rolls.
4785 Hurlbut in Detroit is listed as a Duplex. The address found above does not indicate a unit or apartment number.
631 W. Fort St. in Detroit is the address for the Fort Street Presbyterian Church
And finally, Catholic Charities, the organization that is helping to process and send illegal aliens into communities across America, is at 8642 Woodward Ave. in Detroit.
Could it be a coincidence that, with the exception of 4 of the 19 addresses tied to the one voter ID in the MI Bureau of Elections data, that almost every address listed alongside the voter ID belongs to a homeless shelter, food pantry, soup kitchen, recovery center and even a US Post office?
We asked Tim Vetter to comment on the new information we discovered about these so-called addresses found in Michigan's Qualified Voter Files. What are the odds of this voter ID being tied to multiple addresses that turned out to be mostly NGO's and even a US Post Office?"There is so much data manipulation behind the scenes at the Secretary of State Bureau of Elections that this kind of crap gets out without them knowing," Vetter told us.