Hilarious: The Email Notorious Plagiarist Joe Biden Sent After Obama Quietly Plagiarized Him

Hilarious: The Email Notorious Plagiarist Joe Biden Sent After Obama Quietly Plagiarized Him

It’s the pot calling the kettle black.

According to Fox News, a hilarious 2010 email unearthed from Hunter Biden’s laptop shows President Joe Biden — then the vice president — and his son displaying righteous indignation over a line that then-President Barack Obama seemingly plagiarized from one of Biden’s speeches.

On Sept. 7, 2010, one day after Obama gave a pro-union speech at Laborfest in Milwaukee, Hunter sent an email to his dad’s personal account, [email protected], according to the report.

“Interesting language from the President: ‘They (his grandparent) would tell me about seeing their fathers or uncles losing their jobs…how it wasn’t just a loss of a paycheck that stung,’” he wrote. “‘It was the blow to their dignity, their sense of self worth.’

“Wonder where he got that from? Im surprised he didn’t finish with the long walk up a short flight of stairs. Pretty amazing.”

His father responded, “No grace.”

Hunter Biden’s comments seemed to suggest that he was accusing Obama of plagiarizing a story that Joe Biden has often told about the effect that losing a job had on his family.

In August 2008, during his speech accepting the vice presidential nomination, Biden said, “That’s how you come to believe, to the very core of your being, that work is more than a paycheck. It’s dignity. It’s respect.”

According to Fox News, in another speech in November 2008, he said, “You know, when a job is lost or a house is foreclosed on, it’s not just an economic loss, it’s emotionally devastating for a family. It’s about a parent having to make that long walk up a short flight of stairs, like my dad did when I was 10 years old, and walk into the child’s bedroom and say, ‘Honey, I’m sorry — I’m sorry but Daddy lost his job’ or ‘Mommy lost her job.’”

Obama’s speech does sound a bit like Biden’s, although to be fair, the element of self-respect being tied to your paycheck is not a secret for alchemy. It’s an often repeated theme.

But the irony of Joe Biden, of all people, being annoyed at having a couple of lines of his plagiarized is hilarious.

Biden’s first attempt at a run for the White House, in 1987, fell apart after it was revealed that he plagiarized a paper during his first year at Syracuse University College of Law. A faculty report said he ”used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution,” The New York Times reported at the time.

Biden’s excuse for the plagiarism?

”My intent was not to deceive anyone,” he wrote. “For if it were, I would not have been so blatant.”

A Trump campaign news release archived by the American Presidency Project lists several other alleged instances where Biden was accused of plagiarism, including appropriating words from a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock and another by Robert F. Kennedy.

Last week, Fox News’ Jesse Watters reported on another incident from 2000, when Biden was a senator.

Guest Roger Severino, a former junior editor at the Harvard Journal of Legislation, said an article Biden submitted was “riddled with plagiarism.”

Severino said he informed his editor, expecting the story not to be published, but the editor fixed the parts that were plagiarized and published it.

Given his own history, Biden’s comment about Obama’s lack of “grace” was pretty rich, as was Hunter’s annoyed tone in the email.

But then double standards are just par for the course for the Bidens.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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