House Democrats worry about Biden having a senior moment during State of the Union – Washington Examiner

Several House Democrats have expressed concerns about whether President Joe Biden will have a “senior moment” during this year’s State of the Union as questions swirl around his mental capability to serve as president.

“We are all nervous,” one unnamed House Democrat told Axios. The Democrat pointed to long-running concerns about Biden’s “ability to speak without blowing things.”

Democratic lawmakers are nervous about possible gaffes but not about his energy — something the president has shown he has plenty of when he can take the time to prepare for an event.

“Listen, [Former President Donald] Trump has made rhetorical slips. … Biden is going to make rhetoric slips. I think the key is his energy level,” an unnamed House Democrat said.

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said he expects that the president will deliver a strong performance on Thursday night and that the strong performance is needed to relieve concerns about his age.

“There’s no doubt that he has the vigor [for a second term], but that’s being questioned,” Hoyer said. “He’s quick, and he needs to show that.”

Democratic strategists also weighed in on the importance of a strong performance at a State of the Union address in the middle of an election year. Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president this November, while Trump is the likely Republican nominee.

“Given concerns about Biden’s age, his delivery will be as important as his substance,” Democratic strategist Doug Sosnik said.


Other Democrats have highlighted the contrast between Biden and Trump, with one lawmaker claiming the contrast would be Biden’s “saving grace.”

Biden is expected to deliver his State of the Union address at 9 p.m. Eastern time, and the televised speech to Congress is one of the most-watched speeches of the presidency. Last year, there were 27 million viewers, making Thursday’s speech the best chance for Biden to make his case to the public.
