How Big Tech is weaponizing against Trump

The internet giants of our time have made it clear where their loyalties lie in the 2024 presidential election. Hint: They’re definitely not with former President Donald Trump.

The social media behemoth TikTok has taken the world by storm over the past few years. It has since been riddled with countless major controversies, such as its partial ownership by the Chinese government and its biased suppression of certain types of content over others. That trend continues as TikTok announced its “election integrity” initiative on Thursday.

TikTok will join other internet giants, such as Meta and Google, in “protecting the integrity of elections.” It plans on partnering with “fact-checking organizations” to provide users with “reliable voting information” and collaborating with “local creators and civil society” to do so. Given its unending support for radical leftist worldviews and opinions above all others on the app, it’s safe to say that we can expect plenty of biased censorship of any information that could possibly undermine Trump’s campaign.

Artificial intelligence companies will join TikTok in its crusade against Trump’s bid for the presidency. ChatGPT developed AI astonishingly faster than most had anticipated last year, leading to widespread concern that a new threat to general security for nations, businesses, and individual users had been created and that it will have the potential to develop faster than we can control it.

ChatGPT developer OpenAI stated that it planned to combat misinformation regarding all the elections taking place around the world this year, saying that it wants to make sure that its creation is not “used in a way that could undermine this process.” However, ChatGPT has been proven to show bias toward liberals in its day-to-day applications across the board. Whatever programs and policies OpenAI has in mind will likely not be toward a truly fair election result. 

Trump has already experienced the threats posed by the Left’s use of AI to spread disinformation against him. In early January, amid the releases of dozens of declassified documents regarding Jeffrey Epstein’s connections, actor Mark Ruffalo spread deepfaked images of Trump aboard one of Epstein’s jets to his private island. These images were quickly debunked, and Trump responded correctly that “this is what the Democrats do to their Republican Opponent, who is leading them, by a lot, in the Polls.”


Why are liberal-aligned internet powers such as TikTok and ChatGPT being prepared for usage against Trump’s potential reelection to the presidency? Trump already pointed it out: The Democrats are scared of Trump because he is very likely to win. Due to their treatment of him since his first run in 2015 and the legal attacks against his legitimacy as a candidate, the Left is aware that Trump will crack down on them hard. Vice President Kamala Harris spoke for the entire Left when she said on The View on Wednesday that “we should all be scared.”

The 2024 election is already shaping to be ugly enough as it is, but the rise of TikTok and the rapid development of AI are poised to push it into further unprecedented territory.
