Hungary and Poland Block Statement on Migration by EU Countries After Summit in Spain – Budapest and Warsaw Won’t Support Globalist Mass Migration Policies

Ever since 2015, the European Union has engaged in a self-destructing process of accepting mass migration that is destroying the national cultures and bringing violence and unrest in levels unimaginable a mere few years ago.
As of now, only the conservative governments of Eastern European countries of Hungary and Poland have stood their ground against these suicidal Globalist policies.
Now, Poland and Hungary have blocked a joint declaration on migration policy after an informal gathering of European Union leaders in Granada, Spain, on Friday (6).
The stand comes against a supposed earlier agreement to present a migration reform package to the European Parliament.
Poland and Hungary’s blocking of a symbolic European Union statement about migration meant that the summit only addressed the other issue on the agenda, the bloc’s enlargement.
Deutsche Welle reported:
“At the end of the summit in Granada, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Warsaw had rejected a joint statement on migration.
[…] ‘As a responsible politician, I reject the whole paragraph of summit conclusions regarding migration’, Morawiecki wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.”
French President Emmanuel Macron means to override their objections some way.
“‘They [Warsaw and Budapest] expressed, around the table, their disagreement, which they have already expressed at a ministerial level, but it is not of a nature to block a decision which would be done by a qualified majority’, said Macron at a news conference after the meeting in Granada.”
Everyone is suddenly ‘worried’ about migration, as as we head into regional elections in Germany on Oct. 8, a national vote in Poland a week later and a continental parliamentary vote on June 2024.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accused Germany and Poland’s opposition leader Donald Turk of ‘collaborating to push new EU laws fining countries if they refuse to host people arriving from the Middle East and Africa’.
Reuters reported:
“‘Poland does not agree to have someone else furnishing our home’, said Morawiecki.
[…] While Poland and Hungary cannot block the EU’s new migration pact and their opposition on Friday was largely symbolic, their harsh criticism raises questions about how effectively the union can implement a deal.”
Years of deep arguments over migration damaged the EU’s unity. And the disagreements do seem to be on the rise.