Hunter Biden Portrayed Chinese Business Associate As ‘Protégé’ Of Xi Jinping, IRS Memo Shows

Hunter Biden portrayed Chinese business associate Ye Jianming as a “protégé” of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping, his uncle James Biden told investigators, according to an internal IRS memo.

Hunter Biden introduced his uncle to CEFC in 2017 and portrayed CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming as a “protege” of Xi Jinping, according to a newly released internal IRS memo summarizing an interview with James Biden. (RELATED: Here’s All The Evidence Connecting Joe Biden To Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Dealings)

James Biden said that Hunter Biden portrayed Chinese business associate Ye Jianming as a “protege” of Xi Jinping, according to an IRS memo @DailyCaller

— James Lynch (@jameslynch32) September 27, 2023

“James B became aware of CEFC in and around early 2017 through RHB. James B recalled that it was approximately 5 years ago based on documents he had recently looked at,” the memo reads. The “RHB” moniker refers to Robert Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son and James Biden’s nephew.

“At the time, James B was told that Chairman Ye was dealing with RHB directly. James B had only met Chairman Ye once,” the document continues.

“James B stated that he was brought on to look out for RHB’s interest in the deal. RHB asked James B to help him evaluate the people and situation he was involved with regards to CEFC,” the document adds.

“James B noted that RHB portrayed CEFC to him as Chairman Ye was a protégé of President Xi.”

Hunter Biden formed the business entity Hudson West III with his uncle and Jianping in August 2017, and Hunter sent paychecks to James Biden for his involvement with the company, the memo indicates.

James Biden recalled not being involved with Hudson West III after 2017, the memo states. Jianming was linked to the CCP prior to his arrest by Chinese authorities in 2018 for suspected bribery.

The younger Biden made nearly $1 million from Hudson West III in 2017, his failed guilty plea indicates. Hunter Biden separately made more than $600,000 from CEFC in 2017, per the guilty plea. IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler testified publicly in July and confirmed that Hudson West III brought in $3.7 million for all parties involved.

Hunter Biden’s former business associate Rob Walker told the FBI that Joe Biden met with CEFC associates after he left office, a newly released transcript shows. The House Ways and Means Committee released Walker’s interview and the James Biden memo Wednesday as part of a trove of documents substantiating IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley.

In late June, the Oversight Committee released a text Hunter Biden allegedly sent a CEFC associate on Aug. 3, 2017 bragging about how “the Biden’s [sic] are the best” at doing what Jianming wanted. The next day, a CEFC entity wired $100,000 to one of Hunter Biden’s shell companies, the committee disclosed.

The Biden family and its business associates received more than $24 million worth of payments from Ukraine, Russia, China, Romania and Kazakhstan, a House memo shows.

Republican Kentucky Rep. James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, subpoenaed Hunter and James Biden’s bank records on Thursday after the first impeachment inquiry hearing into President Biden.
