Hunter Biden treatment proves ‘two-tiered’ justice system: Sarah Bedford

The Washington Examiner’s Sarah Bedford analyzed the difference between how Hunter Biden has been treated versus others who have faced similar charges.

Bedford appeared on America Reports on Thursday to discuss Biden’s work with Ukrainian energy company Burisma, including how the president’s son was not registered as a foreign agent while he worked there but has since retroactively registered. Meanwhile, then-staffers to former President Donald Trump Paul Manafort and Rick Gaetz were hit with the Foreign Agents Registration Act for not registering as foreign agents and were not allowed to file retroactively as Biden did.

“Not disclosing your work with a foreign entity is a crime that the Justice Department during the Trump administration started enforcing far more aggressively. So that alone is likely to reinforce these claims that there’s a two-tiered standard of justice here,” Bedford said. “What Hunter Biden did for Burisma is not legal work as first presented. The White House, at the time, said he’s a Yale-trained lawyer providing legal services to Burisma.”

“There’s no evidence that he ever provided legal work for Burisma. What he was providing, according to witnesses like Devin Archer, is access to people in Washington,” Bedford went on. “That’s textbook foreign lobbying.”

Host John Roberts agreed, referring to Biden as a “foreign agent.”

Bedford pointed out another instance of unequal treatment regarding Biden defying his congressional subpoena. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves has already decided not to charge Biden with tax crimes, which he is now facing in California.


“This same U.S. attorney did prosecute other Trump administration officials, including Steve Bannon, for contempt of Congress,” Bedford said of Graves. “You may have more accusations of a two-tiered system here.”

Biden is facing nine criminal charges in California, among them including a gun possession charge. His first court date was on Thursday, where he pleaded not guilty. Additionally, House Republicans will attempt to hold Biden in contempt of Congress.
