“I CAN 100 PERCENT CONFIRM TO YOU THAT IT WAS NOT ROGER STONE.” Enrique Tarrio Confirms Roger Stone was NOT One of the Connections That The FEDS Tried to Get Him To Lie About To Implicate President Trump. VIDEO!! | The Gateway Pundit | by Cara Castronuova

“I CAN 100 PERCENT CONFIRM TO YOU THAT IT WAS NOT ROGER STONE.” Enrique Tarrio Confirms Roger Stone was NOT One of the Connections That The FEDS Tried to Get Him To Lie About To Implicate President Trump. VIDEO!!

Enrique Tarrio is coming forward and blowing the whistle on top DOJ officials. Tarrio alleges Merrick Garland’s prosecutors tried to coerce him into signing a false statement alleging he had contact with President Trump through a chain of “three layers of connections, three levels of separation”.

Many people, especially those in the mainstream media, would assume that one of those “connections” was Roger Stone. Tarrio confirmed otherwise. “Unequivocally it was NOT Roger Stone,” said Tarrio. “I know that is everybody’s first thought because I take pictures with Mr. Roger Stone and all that, but unequivocally it was not him. It was 100 percent not Roger Stone.”

Listen to his statement about Stone by clicking on the video below from the Gateway Pundit Twitter Space last night:

Tarrio has denied being connected to Roger Stone in regards to January 6th, even though the mainstream media pushes that narrative. This especially pertains to Ari Melber of MSNBC, who seems to have a personal vendetta against Roger Stone. Melber has become almost obsessed with Stone. Melber has unsuccessfully tried to tie Roger Stone to January 6th by tying him to Tarrio “by association”.

Enrique Tarrio told the Gateway Pundit and our audience that the DOJ tried to set up President Trump by using him and asked him to lie.


Last night, Tarrio called from D.C. Jail into a Twitter Space hosted by the Gateway Pundit. Tarrio described a sit-down meeting he was called into with DOJ Lead Prosecutor Jocelyn Ballantine, Assistant US Attorney Jason McCullough and two FBI Agents. We at the Gateway Pundit are currently identifying the names of the two FBI Agents present at the meeting. Tarrio told us the prosecutors stepped out of the room several times to talk to their “higher-up”.

“There is no more higher-up that Mr. Matthew Graves,” said Tarrio. “On top of that is Mr. Merrick Garland, and as we know on top of that is two other people- which is the Biden and Harris White House. There is no doubt in my mind that they are working together. But yes- I agree with you- we need a smoking gun and we need proof.”

Hear the audio below:


Tarrio said he will speak to his attorney about getting the other names and pushing to get the information to the appropriate parties that can investigate.

“Those people would lose their careers if they lied under oath if they were questioned about this,” said former FBI Agent and whistleblower Kyle Seraphin on last night’s Space. “This thing is actually worth pursuing that way. We need to have these people subpoenaed if possible. We can dig in and take action if we have their names.”


Swamp creature Matthew Graves of the DOJ is the “higher-up” of DOJ Prosecutors Jocelyn Ballentine and Jason McCullough.

The GOP House Judiciary Committee must subpoena DOJ Lead Prosecutor Jocelyn Ballantine, Assistant US Attorney Jason McCullough and the FBI Agents that were present in the room and question them UNDER OATH about Tarrio’s allegations. The question is simple- did they ask Tarrio to sign a statement to implicate a President of the United States in order to indict him? If Tarrio’s allegations can be proven to be true, there may no higher crime than than what they allegedly took part in.

Thankfully, Tarrio bravely refused to sign the bogus statement, which he said was “a work of fiction”. He opted to take his chances at trial and is now paying for that decision with a 22-year prison sentence.


“It was a shakedown,” said Tarrio. “They told me they would give me a great deal…all you have to do is confirm this happened and implicate and lie about Donald Trump. They had a bullet point by bullet point story they want me to confirm that was a LIE.”

He continued:

“This was not an investigation. This was them sitting in a room trying to do a shakedown. They were like ‘Hey, this is what happened. We need you to sign off on this.’ And I can’t. I am not going to sit there and do this. This was not like ‘hey, can you give me your side of the story’. That is what an investigation is. ‘What is your side of the story?’ They were not negotiating with what they thought was suspicion. They were making a deal to get something done that they wanted to get done. It was a shakedown. The narrative was that a person that I knew knew a person that knew a person that knew Donald Trump and had a connection to Donald Trump. And they asked me to say that we had been communicating between these three people. And it’s a lie for me to say so. But they wanted me to go ahead and they wanted me to confirm the, because how sweet would it be for the prosecutor’s case for them to say “we connected Enrique Tarrio to Donald Trump.”

Listen to the entire Twitter Space HERE:


Please call or email Representative (OH) Jim Jordan’s office first thing Monday morning. Jordan is the chair of the Judiciary Committee and the “Select Subcommittee of the Weaponization of the Federal Government”. Make it clear to his staff that concerned citizens would like the House to investigate the January 6th witch trials. Please also ask his staff to ask Rep. Jordan to call Enrique Tarrio in for an interview to investigate this incredible allegation that may finally be the smoking gun evidence we need to free the January 6th prisoners. If Tarrio’s allegations can be substantiated, this may prove to be the biggest conspiracy against an United States President since JFK.

Here is the contact information for Jim Jordan:

The Honorable Jim Jordan
2056 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC, 20515-3504
Phone: (202) 225-2676

Website: https://jordan.house.gov/


and remember, in the end GOD WINS!

Cara Castronuova is co-Founder of C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution).

Cara is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night, 11:30PM EST on Sundays and 6:00AM EST on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram  @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights.  You can contact Cara at www.caracastronuova.com if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

Photo of author

Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution and The People’s January 6th Commission. She is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on Instagram & Twitter @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for defamation of character.  You can contact her directly at [email protected] or via the C.A.P.P. website at www.CitizensAPP.us or www.caracastronuova.com if you have any tips or would like to volunteer.

You can email Cara Castronuova here, and read more of Cara Castronuova’s articles here.

