“I Have a Daughter in Brooklyn!”: Hero Dad Shoves Hamas Supporters Blocking His Car at Williamsburg Bridge in New York City (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

“I Have a Daughter in Brooklyn!”: Hero Dad Shoves Hamas Supporters Blocking His Car at Williamsburg Bridge in New York City (Video)

A father frustrated with being stuck in traffic behind a line of communist Hamas supporters blocking the Williamsburg Bridge in New York City Monday morning got out of his car and shoved several protesters out of the way, according to video posted online.

The Williamsburg Bridge in New York City was blocked by Hamas supporters, January 8, 2024, screen image via Party of Socialism and Liberation, X Twitter.

The dad, a Black man who looks to be in his thirties, wore a Brooklyn Nets hoodie and was driving a car with New Jersey plates. A small American flag could be seen in his car behind the driver’s seat. He told the protesters to not block his car, telling them, “I have a daughter in Brooklyn!”

The protesters relented, but only after he got out of his car and started angrily shoving them away, and then got back in his car and started driving slowly toward them as he yelled through his open window, “Get out of the way! I have to go home!”

A small gap was opened up and he was allowed to proceed onto the bridge. Apparently this took place soon after the blockade started as no police are visible in the video.

The blockade at the Williamsburg Bridge was part of a coordinated action Monday morning in New York City by the Palestinian Youth Movement that saw communist Hamas supporters also block the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge and the Holland Tunnel.

The Williamsburg Bridge connects the Lower East Side of Manhattan with the Brooklyn neighborhood of Williamsburg.

Video of the man shoving the protesters was posted by reporter Elad Eliahu:

The communist group Party for Socialism and Liberation posted video showing a 560 degree view of protest blocking the Williamsburg Bridge:

Police eventually made arrests:

WABC-TV reported 325 protesters were arrested at the four blockades (excerpt). (Comment: it appears they will just get a slap on the wrist)

Hundreds of arrests were made after pro-Palestinian protesters blocked traffic on the Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges as well as the Holland Tunnel on Monday morning.

The NYPD’s chief of patrol said in total 325 people were arrested after the protests. In lieu of summons, many will face misdemeanor charges with a desk appearance ticket.

Video report by WABC:

Photo of author

Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of FreeRepublic.com. He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor’s articles here.

