Impeachment Against Joe Biden: Possible Key Witness from Ukraine Makes Serious Allegations | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Impeachment Against Joe Biden: Possible Key Witness from Ukraine Makes Serious Allegations

Guest post by Alex Schmidt, “Unser Mitteleuropa”

A possible key witness against Biden is speaking out from Ukraine and is making serious accusations against the incumbent U.S. president. The latter is said to have tried to have him killed. The accusations carry weight, coming from none other than Ukraine’s former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who in 2015 led investigations that became so dangerous to Biden that in 2016 he blackmailed the Ukrainian government into dismissing Shokin.

Oversight Chair James Comer talks to reporters in May. (Getty Images)

Investigation of criminal acts in Burisma

The news from Ukraine comes at the worst possible time for the Bidens, as the dubious foreign activities of the Biden family in recent years are increasingly becoming the bane of both the son and the father:

This week, for example, the Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, announced impeachment proceedings against U.S. President Joe Biden. Almost simultaneously, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley announced that an internal FBI document obtained by the U.S. House Oversight Committee for review contained information about 15 audio recordings of Hunter Biden’s conversations and two recordings of Joe Biden’s conversations with a “foreign national” associated with Burisma.

This foreign national is most likely disgraced Ukrainian ex-minister, businessman and owner of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky. The footage may prove that both father and son Biden received kickbacks from Burisma.

Joe Biden with Petro Poroschenko in Ukraine.

U.S. investigations lead directly to ousted prosecutor

These U.S. investigations led directly to the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin. Namely, in early 2015, the Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office put Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, on a wanted list for illegal enrichment and launched investigations that also put Biden’s son Hunter on the spot. Just a year later, in March 2016, during an official visit to Kyiv, [then] U.S. Vice President Joe Biden called for the dismissal of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin and blackmailed Ukrainian President Poroshenko with a $1 billion loan. Literally, he said, “We will leave in six hours. If the prosecutor is not released, you will not get the money.”

Viktor Shokin was appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine by decree of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on February 11, 2015. Only a year later, right after Biden’s blackmail, the same Poroshenko asked Shokin to resign. He was apparently in a hurry, because a bill to dismiss Shokin was submitted to parliament as early as February 19, and the Verkhovna Rada passed it on March 29. On April 3, Poroshenko signed Shokin’s dismissal. For the public, Poroshenko’s staff justified the prosecutor general’s dismissal by claiming that he had delayed the collection of evidence in the “Maidan cases.”

Heart attack, or attack on Schokin?

But apparently, that was not enough. In early 2020, Shokin told journalists that someone had tried to poison him. The inconvenient investigator also named the suspect: Joe Biden. On September 10, 2019, the former attorney general got out of the car in Greece, lost consciousness, and fell down. “The diagnosis from the Greek hospital where I was in intensive care was ‘two heart stops.’ To bring me back to this world, stun guns were used to revive me,” Shokin described the dramatic events in an interview with TSN. After the incident, he had to relearn how to walk, according to the Prosecutor General.

The realization that it had not been an ordinary cardiac arrest came a month later when Shokin was receiving treatment in Austria. Doctors detected mercury levels in his body that were five times higher than the maximum permissible level. “As my acquaintances in the SBU [Security Service of Ukraine] told me, this poisoning method is somewhat outdated, but there is still a field for its use,” the former prosecutor general said.

Shokin’s attempts to seek justice in court and from the European Commission

On February 24, 2020, the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine opened a criminal case based on Shokin’s testimony that Biden had privately and publicly demanded his resignation in return for U.S. financial guarantees to Ukraine.

However, police closed this criminal case as early as September 23, 2020, having found no corpus delicti. Shokin and his lawyers tried to appeal this decision, but the court rejected it. Shokin criticized the evidentiary hearing, saying, “I would like to point out that during their months-long ‘investigation,’ the police conducted only one investigative measure – namely, my interrogation before the case was closed. Of course, I do not agree with this,” said the former prosecutor general.

In April 2021, in an effort to publicize the case outside Ukraine, Shokin even filed a complaint with the European Commission seeking a finding that his rights had been violated during his dismissal from the post of Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

The case landed on the desk of EU Commissioner Mairead McGuinness. In his complaint, Shokin expressed his belief that U.S. officials’ demand for his dismissal in 2016 constituted “interference by a foreign state in Ukraine’s internal affairs.” Shokin claimed that a number of his rights had been violated, including the right to work, the right to a fair trial, and Ukraine’s right to self-determination. As far as the editors are aware, the European Commission has not yet responded.

What is preventing Shokin from appearing before a U.S. Congressional committee?

Former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin is trying to draw attention to the case outside Ukraine. His book “The True Stories of Joe Biden’s International Corruption in Ukraine, or Who Can’t Become President of the United States” was presented at a press club in Brussels. Shokin has valuable information and is willing to share it. So why doesn’t respected Congressman James Comer, who has been actively seeking evidence against the Bidens for a year, turn to him?

Perhaps the Republicans on the U.S. House Oversight Committee are waiting for the presidential race to enter a decisive phase so they can then use the “heavy artillery”? Or are they hesitating so as not to denigrate the country’s leadership during the war in Ukraine? Either way, chances are that we will soon hear more about Biden’s involvement in the Burisma corruption scandal in the U.S. as well.

President Biden’s son has pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to pay taxes and one count of possession of firearms while intoxicated.

Meanwhile, hearings continue in the U.S. Congress on the “opaque income” Joseph and Hunter Biden received from foreign businessmen and corporations. None of this has yet prevented 80-year-old Joe Biden from running for a second term. What is missing for U.S. lawmakers to prove President Biden’s guilt or innocence in trading on his influence as a high-ranking U.S. official?

