INGRASSIA: Elon’s X Marks the Spot for President Trump: A Billion Listeners Can’t Be Wrong! | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Ingrassia

INGRASSIA: Elon’s X Marks the Spot for President Trump: A Billion Listeners Can’t Be Wrong!

Elon Musk tells Trump civilization is at risk. And that is why he supports him.


Donald Trump’s X Space last Monday with Elon Musk, in which the 45th President sat-down with the world’s richest man for a sprawling, nearly 3-hour long conversation reminiscent of a sort of high-tech fireside chat of an earlier age, was in every sense of the term, record-breaking.  The wide-ranging discussion that touched on everything from the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life, to electric vehicles and energy policy, to the prospect of nuclear war – was noteworthy for its substance and depth.

The detail in which the speakers talked about, for example, the energy required to unleash A.I.’s technological potential, was as refreshing as it was rare, particularly in politics, where policies are far too often boiled down to nuance-free sound bites, even in presidential debates where the candidates have some extra time to flesh out their positions.  Of course, a large part of this has to do with the age in which we live – mass communications and social media, especially, have diminished attention spans considerably over the decades, a trend that has entered overdrive over the last ten or so years.

Another part, of which Kamala Harris is a perfect encapsulation, has to do with the incompetence of modern politicians generally, and the inability of most to carry on an extended conversation, especially one worth listening to, without a teleprompter.  Which further underscores the incredible achievement that was the Donald Trump-Elon Musk X Space.  The dialogue amassed millions of live listeners, and millions more who listened to the talk afterwards.  By one estimate, the Space generated over a billion hits worldwide – a staggering figure that speaks to the incredible power of X, as one of the few truly free online platforms alongside Rumble, Truth Social, and Substack, to convey unbridled thoughts, cutting directly through the propagandistic monitoring of established media.

It also speaks to the power of unifying the world’s richest man with the world’s most powerful man.  Elon Musk’s formal endorsement, which was made within minutes of the assassination attempt that nearly took President Trump’s life one month ago, adds a formidable ally to the MAGA coalition. Musk’s endorsement unmistakably signals that the prospect for speaking and thinking freely lies exclusively in the Republican Party ticket of Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.  That Musk would undergo such a dramatic turnaround from just four years ago, where he voted for Joe Biden, demonstrates just how high the stakes are this cycle: free speech, quite literally, hangs in the balance.

The backlash to Musk’s conversation with the 45th President by the mainstream press, both domestic and international, demonstrates, not that it was needed, just how hostile all these bad-faith actors are to speech, and all that speaking freely represents – the possibility of brainstorming new ideas, new innovations, and new technology – all of which, in the collective, pose as existential threats to the tear-it-down mentality of the modern Left.  Almost like clockwork, the frenzied players spun into action with headlines, routinized to the point of banality, that Musk, of course, is the latest, greatest “threat to democracy.”  Why?  For letting the leading presidential candidate, and the likeliest person to ascend, once more, to the Oval Office in three short months, to discuss basic policy ideas to a large audience – of overwhelmingly young people, many of whom get their news primarily, if not exclusively, through social media outfits like X.


Firestorm of unhinged, negative headlines from the Trump x Elon conversation.

Because the Left believes it is entitled to a monopoly on the youth, parasitically targeting their impressionable sensibilities to brainwash them, via institutions like the media and colleges, with woke dogmas.  That Musk and Donald Trump would dare have the audacity to challenge that monopoly and offer a refreshing breather from the suffocating woke inanities, which are as stupid as they are degenerate, naturally sent the Left – and their new standard-bearer, Kamala Harris – into hysterics.

Donald Trump Is The Candidate For Young, Ambitious, Smart People – And It’s Not Even Close!

Anyone with a brain, including many ambitious young people, should just gravitate to President Trump over Kamala Harris organically.  Why is that?  Well, for reasons that are quite commonsensical –in this particular day and age, ironically enough, more than ever.  Here’s an example: in many ways, college admissions, though degraded they have become with affirmative action and DEI, are more competitive than ever before.  Ambitious young Americans fight tooth-and-nail all throughout their primary school years in a competitive rat race to get into the finest schools they can.  In order to qualify, for most young people without connections or inherited riches, they must be the absolute best and brightest of an extremely competitive lot of applicants, which includes not just their fellow citizens, but is now a process opened to the entire world, including our global competitors like China and India.

Thus, students must do it all: they must get the top grades, top test scores, and be a master at extracurriculars – whether it’s becoming a D1 athlete, or musical virtuoso, or computer programming wiz, or chess or math prodigy – the skills required to become a member of Harvard’s entrance class is, in many respects, particularly for an American native, harder than ever.

So, it behooves a student – and generational cohort, broadly speaking – ingrained with that competitive spirit to vote for Kamala Harris, who stands opposed to all the messaging these young people were led to believe was (and actually is) responsible for success, over Donald Trump, the consummate exemplar of the American dream, a self-made billionaire who is the spitting image of hard work over a lifetime, made flesh.

Moreover, the idea that a young person, particularly an intelligent and ambitious one, would rather be browbeaten by an ignoramus like Kamala Harris, an individual who likely would not qualify for the San Francisco county dogcatcher position, into thinking a certain way, or being demonized for the color of his skin – and forced into racial sensitivity training, rather than entering a fulfilling career and achieving the American Dream for himself, is a lemon of a deal – one that would never, ever command lasting trust, an essential ingredient for good statesmanship, in anyone.

Because Kamala Harris patently does not qualify as a good statesman – it’s laughable to even put her and the term in the same sentence! – the only way, logically, that she will ever be able to maintain her grip on power is through brute force, the age-old ploy of any tyrant.  She is the worst combination of a political leader imaginable: excessive ego combined with even more excessive incompetence.  She would inevitably lead our country into despotic waters, indeed she is already well underway by trying to create the conditions, relying on her friends in the legacy media, to cheat herself into another illegitimate term.

Musk’s X Now Open To Truths The Mainstream Institutions Do Not Want You To Hear

Which brings me back to yet another reason why the Left has been sent into a conniption over the Musk-Trump Space, and reason again why it was so effective.  As we enter the home-stretch of this truly insane and unprecedented election season, Big Tech is once more repeating the censorious ways of the 2020 playbook, where outlets like Meta infamously blackballed the publication of the Hunter Biden laptop story, where the old Twitter regime booted President Trump and many of his most powerful acolytes from the platform, and where Google stifled positive stories surrounding President Trump, and displaced these with misinformation and disinformation, often products of the DNC itself, which entered an illicit agreement with the social media giant to generate headlines for the search engine to clearly manipulate voter impressions in Biden’s (and now Harris’) favor.

Thus, an opened X platform – where the free-flow of conservative “wrongthoughts” are allowed to take place, relatively unencumbered, particularly relative to four years ago – truly does pose an “existential threat” to “democracy” – democracy so defined as the rule of the deep state’s handpicked duo of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  True democracy, naturally, would culminate in a President Trump administration, the man who took a bullet for democracy, and the only candidate who has fought for the interests of Americans – and the United States of America – First, over the interests of the powers that be.

Under Musk’s stewardship, X has been the vanguard for breaking news stories surrounding this topsy-turvy presidential election cycle.  It has also provided an outlet by which the grassroots can go straight to the lawmakers, and press them on questions such as election integrity, which remains a bugaboo, particularly in a Democrat-run state like Pennsylvania, where the risk of illegal voters – be they unregistered aliens, out-of-state citizens, ineligible voters due to a criminal conviction or death, etc. – remains a significant factor on voter rolls.  Since 20 or 30 thousand votes can be the difference in an all-important battleground state like Pennsylvania, the importance of disclosing these voter rolls becomes immediately obvious.  These difficulties are compounded even more given our present state of affairs, where an estimated at least ten million illegals have penetrated the US-Mexico border over the last four years, a figure that is dramatically underestimated given the number of so-called “gotaways” that do not appear on border patrol and ICE registries.  The possibility, and risk, of these illegals – even a small portion – appearing on voter rolls, and swaying the election in favor of the candidate offering them handouts, and telegraphing all but explicitly, that she must rely on these illegals to cheat her way to victory (again), is of absolute urgency.

Just think: even if just 0.01% – a hundredth of a percent – of ten million illegals (and that is a gross underestimation) were to appear on a voter roll: that would mean 100,000 illegal aliens are submitting ballots, double the figure needed to switch 3 or 4, or even 5, battleground states in Kamala’s corner.  Hence, why Pennsylvania’s Governor, Josh Shapiro, who almost became Kamala’s running mate, is refusing to disclose those voter rolls, is readily evident.  He has a vested interest in seeing her to victory, where he might be rewarded, in turn, with a cushy cabinet post.  This has prompted RNC-affiliated lawyers to sue the state of Pennsylvania, which has resulted in a decision pending review by the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.  Hardly any of this information would be known without Elon Musk’s purchase and reopening of X, which is a reason why the Left is so angry with all that he has done to the platform.

If that was not bad enough, the investigative reporting that Laura Loomer has done to expose the conflicts of interest implicating the political consulting firm of Judge Juan Merchan’s, who is presiding over President Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial, daughter, Loren, the President of Authentic, and the Biden/Harris administration and campaign, is so staggering – it defies every canon of legal ethics and professional responsibility in the book.  The firm has raked in millions of dollars from the Biden/Harris administration and campaign, as exhaustively recounted in both a pre-motion letter issued by President Trump’s own attorneys on July 31st, as well as a separate letter from Rep. Jim Jordan (which was re-issued, for a second time, on August 17th), addressing the same matter on August 1st, as part of a House Oversight Committee.

President Trump’s attorney’s letter lays out the conflict explicitly: among other things, the firm, “Authentic’s founder — a partner and colleague of Your Honor’s daughter — leads a group called ‘White Dudes for Harris,’ which has raised millions of dollars for Harris’s current campaign against President Trump.” It is utterly mindboggling just how much the Left believes it can flout the laws in order to effectuate a desired political outcome.  Here, you have a high-ranking member of the firm in which Judge Merchan’s own daughter operates working the “White Dudes for Kamala Harris” campaign, raising well over $7 million dollars in the process.

In the ancient days, of, well, maybe a year ago, that would be considered a classic case of a conflict of interest, one requiring the judge to disqualify himself from the politically-charged decision.  As it stands, the judge, by proxy of his daughter, an intimate relative, has significantly more to gain – financially and politically – by sentencing President Trump, so that he cannot campaign.  This in turn would give a significant boost to Kamala Harris, and her chances of securing a victory this November by judicial fiat.  Not only does this stand as a classic example of a judicially disqualifying conflict of interest, but also a textbook case of election interference.

To make matters even worse, President Trump still has to deal with this flagrantly unconstitutional and unlawful gag order, the first of its kind, that makes it impossible for him to exercise his fundamental right to criticize the trial proceeding, point out the many conflicts of interests that make this case improper, and call for the judge’s recusal if not a mistrial.  That a judge has imposed a gag order on a President of the United States is unheard of – that he keeps the gag order on him, post-conviction, is egregiously abusive, to a level never seen in American history.  This is the stuff of banana republics, and Judge Merchan is the face of our new Kangaroo Court System of Justice.

Again, none of this would be known but for X, which to date stands as the largest platform for the free circulation of ideas in the Western world.  As Big Tech companies like Google and Meta trend radically leftward, kowtowing to the marching orders of the regime like obedient little foot soldiers, Musk’s X has spearheaded the charge in the opposite direction – a lone citadel of freedom in a sea of ever-creeping tyranny.

But there is much power in truth and numbers.  President Trump is the political expression of what Elon Musk is doing culturally; the two men united, arguably the one-two punch of the world’s most powerful, is definitive proof that the good is on the side of this joint venture, and the country’s fate necessarily hinges on the destinies of these two brave warriors, on who the rest of us depend to speak our thoughts unencumbered, and to perpetuate the ideas in the hopes of divining a long-lasting political solution that will not have to ride on the backs of one or two men, and instead restore those time-tested principles that once made America both Great and Free.

Photo of author

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly re-truthed by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble.

You can email Paul Ingrassia here, and read more of Paul Ingrassia’s articles here.

