Insurrectionist Democrats: Most oppose certifying a Trump reelection – Washington Examiner

A majority of Democrats would back efforts by lawmakers to stop former President Donald Trump from entering the White House by blocking his congressional certification of victory.

In a poll that suggests a Democratic-style Jan. 6 protest, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey found that 57% of Democrats would support “refusing to certify the election results if Trump wins.”

What’s more, 52% of Democrats rejected the Supreme Court’s recent decision to block states from keeping Trump off primary and caucus ballots if local officials believe he backed the Jan. 6 MAGA riot inside the Capitol that stalled the certification of President Joe Biden’s election over Trump.

While it is somewhat ironic that Democrats would be OK doing what some Republican lawmakers planned to do in the certification vote of Biden, Democrats have rolled out that strategy in the past.

Most Democrats Don’t Want Congress to Certify Election if Trump Wins

After the Supreme Court rejected attempts to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the ballot, a majority of Democratic voters now support another way to block Trump’s possible return to the White…

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) March 11, 2024

The survey showed that an even bigger majority of Democrats said Republicans should not have tried to block the certification of Biden’s 2020 election victory.

“Importantly, among voters who strongly support the idea of Congress refusing to certify the 2024 election if Trump wins, 58% don’t think Republicans in Congress should have refused to certify the 2020 election results,” the analysis shared with Secrets said.


The Rasmussen survey, sponsored by the National Pulse, showed the 2024 election is already divisive and that Democrats are ready to take radical measures to block Trump if he wins.

Trump leads in many national head-to-head surveys, but several remain close or within the margin of error. However, in key Electoral College state surveys, Trump is ahead of Biden. Those results have some key Democratic officials urging the president to fight harder, or even drop out, to give his party a better chance in the fall.
