Ironic: Twitter-X AI Admits Social Media Giant Is Using Media Matter to Censor Gateway Pundit While at the Same Time X Is Suing Media Matters for Defamation and Lies

On December 16, 2022, The Gateway Pundit Twitter account was unsuspended by Twitter X after two years of banishment.

Thank you, Elon Musk!

This was a wonderful birthday gift – one year ago this week .

Before The Gateway Pundit X account was banned we were one of the most popular conservative accounts on the platform. Then during COVID and following the 2020 election we were censored, banned, silenced.

Since our account has been reinstated we notice we are not seeing the same numbers we once had. Our tweets today are still silence and still censored.

On Tuesday night we asked @Grok, the Twitter X AI program why we were still banned on X.

Grok responded that it was because The Gateway Pundit is labeled a far-right website known for publishing “controversial” content and “conspiracy theories.” Grok added that in the past Gateway Pundit was accused of spreading “false information.”  And Grok then stated that the shadowbanning of Gateway Pundit is “complex and multifaceted.”

We then asked @Grok where they got this information.

And we were told it came from Media Matters for America – the far-left website whose mission is to eliminate conservative voices on TV, in print media, and on social media.

This was a stunning admission.  Grok also told us this was based on a 2017 Media Matters report on 20 articles.  The Gateway Pundit has posted over 142,000 articles in the past 19 years!

Media Matters did not like that we challenged the COVID narrative from the beginning. Media Matters was furious that we would challenge the 2020 election by reporting on the State Farm Center and the poll workers who were pushing stacks of ballots through the voting machines numerous times.

We were not allowed to report on this. Today we are being sued for sharing this video with the nation. According to the left, posting factual video is a “conspiracy theory.”

The fact that Twitter-X was using Media Matters to censor conservative websites was surprising to us since Elon Musk and Twitter are suing Media Matters for lying to advertisers about the social media giant.

We posted this tweet earlier on Tuesday night.

Hopefully, Elon Musk will see this!

The post Ironic: Twitter-X AI Admits Social Media Giant Is Using Media Matter to Censor Gateway Pundit While at the Same Time X Is Suing Media Matters for Defamation and Lies appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
