J6 Hostage Jon Mellis Sentenced to 51 Months in Prison – Government Drains All of the Funds From His GiveSendGo Account – *Please Donate to Jon This Christmas Holiday*

Jon Mellis

January 6 Prisoner Jon Mellis was sentenced Thursday by a DC Court to 51 months in prison and 36 months

Judge Randolph Moss sentenced J6 political prisoner Jon Mellis on Thursday to 51 months of incarceration and three years of supervised release.

Moss also ordered Mellis to pay $20,000 to the government – this was all of the money Jon had left in his GiveSendGo account that he raised during his nearly three years in prison at the DC Gulag.

The same government that repeatedly lied during his trial about Jon’s actions on January 6, took all of the money left in his account.

** Please donate to Jon Mellis here this Christmas season.

The corrupt DOJ attorneys DID NOT call in Officer Lila Morris to testify in Jon’s trial. They knew that Lila Morris beat Rosanne Boyland until she was dead on January 6th and they did not want Morris to be questioned about her beating Rosanne to death at the US Capitol that day.

The government says Lila Morris was injured that day – but was cheered as a hero at the Super Bowl weeks later – after she beat Rosanne Boyland over 30 times with her police stick while she lay unconscious on the concrete.

Jenn Baker wrote this tribute ot Jon Mellis following his sentencing.

There are people who come into our lives throughout the years who touch our hearts and with whom we develop friendships. One such person for me is Jonathan ‘Jon’ Mellis. He is a January 6th political prisoner who has been featured in The Gateway Pundit many times sharing his harrowing experiences while confined at the DC Gulag. He has brought to light many injustices and mistreatments by the staff as well as the horrific conditions of that jail and has been an unmuted voice for the J6ers. Jon and I became friends as he helped me communicate with other prisoners for interviews. I have seen and heard first hand how much he cares about his fellow hostages, his friends, and his family, and especially how much he loves his Country.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023, Mellis had his sentencing for the plea deal he accepted from the corrupt Department of Justice (DOJ). It seems that most people always have questions or opinions about taking a plea such as, “why take a plea if he’s not guilty,” or “he’s a coward if he takes a plea.” Well, I’m here to tell you that the life of a J6 Political Hostage is not as simple as that.

First, The US Attorney Matthew Graves and his minions have almost a 99% conviction rate when it comes to J6ers. When offered a deal after rotting in jail for 2 1/2 years under the horrendous conditions they have been subjected to, you might also be so inclined to say ok. When you know that going through a trial with a biased jury and a biased judge and being painted as a “terrorist” will get you a sentence of 10 years versus taking a plea that might get you home to family in 4 or 5, the answer might become easier.

During these last 3 years of his captivity, Jon lived through one year of solitary confinement, two years being deprived of seeing any loved ones’ faces, and has endured almost three years of no due process.

Jon lost his father 90 days into being incarcerated and was denied a bond hearing to go to the funeral. His last memory of his father is the 5:00 a.m. raid on his family home by armed FBI Stormtroopers. To my knowledge, still to this day, he has never received a bond hearing. So, I say until you walk a day in someone else’s shoes…

Jon had his family and close friends in Judge Randolph Moss’s courtroom rallying around him to lend support. However, the reporters from the left were also present, eager and foaming at the mouth to spin their rendition of the hearing as Mellis’ case was considered to be “High Profile.”

Judge Moss opened the hearing reciting the guidelines of Mellis’ plea which were 51-63 months, $20-$200,000 restitution, $2,000 to the architect of the Capitol Building, and other smaller fines. Moss then stated that the prosecution was asking for 60 months, $88,664 (the amount he raised from his GiveSendGo) in restitution, and other fines. David Bonawitz, Mellis’ attorney requested time served and no fines or restitution.

When asked for any additional motions to be considered by Judge Moss, the prosecution, who was led by Emory Cole, attempted to sway the judge by utilizing a video not previously entered into evidence. Cole would then frame the government’s narrative as Mellis being more violent than previously portrayed in the hope of obtaining a harsher punishment. They would suggest Mellis was throwing a 2×4 board into the west tunnel at the police line. Mellis had never been charged with this because it was not him, and they could never prove it to be him. However, they thought they’d try to see if the judge would see it their way. The video was played full speed, then in slow motion, over and over again at the judge’s request. They also wanted him to consider a video interview that Mellis did the night of the 6th as well as the video he was able to leak out of the DC Gulag regarding the brown water coming from their faucets. Cole also wanted Moss to consider the bodily injury that they claim two Metropolitan Police Department officers suffered because of Mellis’ actions. However, there was no proof there were injuries, and Judge Moss called Cole out on this. No officers came to testify against Mellis nor were there ever any medical reports, pictures of the stated injuries, or any written statements.

In my opinion, If Lila Morris, one of the officers said to be injured, had come to testify, they would have had to enter into record why Mellis was hitting her with the stick. They would have to put on record that she was continuously beating Rosanne Boyland’s lifeless body, that Mellis was trying to make her stop and most importantly that Boyland died of blunt force trauma, not a “drug overdose.”

Judge Moss allowed Jon to make a statement in which he expressed that he wants to use his voice to help bridge the gap between the American people who are so divided. He said that he wished the officers would have been there so he could apologize for any pain he might have caused them. The prosecution then took another shot at getting the judge to consider the “evidence” that Mellis threw this 2×4 and that the officers had bodily injury. They also stated that Mellis, who considers himself a “patriot,” is dangerous to our democracy. That even though while Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officer Michael Fanone was “being attacked” by Trump supporters and Mellis was yelling “DON’T HURT HIM,” “SHOW HIM HOW MERCIFUL WE ARE,” and “WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS,” his actions at the tunnel according to Cole show he is a threat, you guessed it, to our [DEMOCRACY].

When all was said and done, Judge Moss rendered his sentence. Jonathan Mellis received 51 months in prison and 36 months supervised release. Because 70% of his GiveSendGo has gone to his attorney fees, the rest of what he has raised so far will go to the government for “restitution.”This means that he will be leaving for a Half Way House in March. The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) could choose to move him from the DC Gulag and send him on a “Diesel Therapy” tour before his release, or he could stay in DC until then. This all depends on which way the wind is blowing at the BOP, and we won’t know until it happens.

Although time served would have been the ideal outcome, Mellis knows that with the corruption that flows through the DOJ, he could have received worse. When I spoke with him, he had this to say…

“What really upsets me about this entire process are the lengths the DOJ prosecutor is willing to lie to the judge in order to make me seem like a monster. When their own MPD witnesses didn’t show up to court, the prosecutor lied about their theoretical testimony, provable lies that the judge didn’t let him get away with. The prosecutor even fabricated “evidence” against me at the 11th hour. You could see the hatred in his eyes. And it only got worse when the judge didn’t buy the nonsense he was selling. Washington DC has lost its soul. Unless America can acknowledge the truth about January 6, we will keep spiraling downward. The police attacked us first. No police died, and four Americans were killed that day, all Trump supporters – Ashli Babbitt, Roseanne Boyland, Benjamin Phillips, and Kevin Greason.”

If you would like to help Jonathan as he needs to rebuild his life after this political persecution, please go to www.givesendgo.com/J6Jonny or www.wearegoodmen.com

Nobody was coming, SO WE DID

The post J6 Hostage Jon Mellis Sentenced to 51 Months in Prison – Government Drains All of the Funds From His GiveSendGo Account – *Please Donate to Jon This Christmas Holiday* appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
