J6 Political Prisoner Barry Ramey’s Family Pleads For Assistance From The American Public After The Biden Regime Destroyed Their Lives


Barry Ramey is a J6 hostage of the Biden Regime, and his family is turning to the American people for help.

Barry and his family are struggling to make ends meet and keep up with the piling bills while he fights his unjust prison sentence.

The Bureau of Prisons provides inmates a 300 to 500 limit of minutes to use the phone per month, depending on the facility.

It’s been almost a year since I last spoke to Barry Ramey. I communicate with the prisoners via mail or email and rely on family members to provide updates on their incarcerated loved ones. I would rather the prisoners use their phone minutes to talk to their families. I spoke with Barry’s fiancé, Desiree, and she provided an update on how Barry is doing within the prison walls.

Please support Barry here. 

When I spoke to Barry for the first time in a 2023 interview, he couldn’t freely talk about his case because he had yet to be sentenced. He was very outspoken about Americans making a serious lifestyle change by buying American products from American companies. We got along immediately and became fast friends.

Barry agreed to a phone interview from his DC cell in July 2023, after he was sentenced to 60 months (5 years), 36 months of supervised release, and $2,000 restitution.


In the call from jail, Barry warns U.S. District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich, who presided over his bench trial, was fed lie after lie about his action on Jan. 6  by federal prosecutors.

The judge heard, for more than a year, that he had threatened an FBI agent, drew a firearm on his former landlord, committed assault with a deadly weapon, and was deemed a danger to his community, all untrue allegations by the Justice Department and FBI that must be exposed, Barry contends.

Almost immediately after my interview with Barry, he was moved from the Washington D.C. Correctional Treatment Facility to the Federal Correctional Institution Miami, where he will serve out the remainder of his sentence.  He did not know where he would be housed for the 5-year prison sentence until he arrived at the Florida prison.

The Bureau of Prisons has been choosing facilities for our J6 prisoners that are thousands of miles away from their homes and families.  Fortunately, FCI Miami, where Barry has been housed for almost a year, is in the vicinity of his family. His mother is not in good health, and he had asked to be located near her in his home state of Florida. Barry has since been able to have visits with his mother and fiancé.

When I last spoke with his fiance Desiree, she told me staying in communication with Barry has been challenging as of late.

“Back in May, there was a bloody brawl causing four inmates to be sent to the hospital,” she said. “This happened in the yard while she was having visitation with Barry. Then the entire prison went on lockdown while I was there.”

Several days had passed before she heard from Barry after their visit. There are many reasons a loved one can lose communication with an inmate.

“Several weeks ago, severe weather in Miami caused some of the phones to be inoperable at the Prison, which includes Barry’s unit, and they are still not functioning. So, over the past few weeks, I’ve only been able to communicate with him at visits, which thankfully happen weekly,” Desiree explained.

Knowing she will see him next weekend helps, but the uncertainty of how many weeks or months will go by before the next time she hears from him again remains a constant agony.

Maybe because he is a J6er, but “For some reason, to the best of my knowledge, he is the only prisoner who has mail held back for several weeks before it’s given to him.” Desiree said. “Despite this, I encourage everyone to write to him.  It is so meaningful and uplifting for him to hear from fellow Patriots when he does get his mail.”

“If you do write to Barry, please be patient, he writes everyone back.”

Desiree recently created a website www.OspreySensei.com, which features photographs and stories about Barry’s plight following Jan. 6 and ways to keep in touch with Barry and their family.

Barry and his family are keenly aware that these are hard times for everyone and appreciate any help you can give even if it just a prayer for him, his family, and his J6 brethren.

Please support Barry with legal fees for his appeal here. 

You can also follow his journey on Truth Social @Osprey_Sensei.

The post J6 Political Prisoner Barry Ramey’s Family Pleads For Assistance From The American Public After The Biden Regime Destroyed Their Lives appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
